Darius sighed as he scrubbed a table the author had spilled lemonade on. For some reason, no matter how hard he scrubbed, the stickiness just wouldn't come out. This normally would only be a minor setback for Darius, but his day was already going pretty bad already so he found himself more frustrated than usual.
From Kian becoming sick to Vine having to help Emma in the pool area, he had way more work on his hands than usual. Richard was off doing who knows what so he was stuck cleaning almost everything.
The fourth wall was practically rubble after Deadpool's wall break in Isolation Part 3, so Darius had to rebuild it, again. And to make things worse, someone had the brilliant idea of bringing a cat into the office. The one thing Darius happened to be allergic to.
The absolute worst thing, however, was the fact that Susie wasn't there today. It wasn't bad because he was now forced to take up her job as well, but because he knew for a fact that she was with Dominic.
"DARIUS! WHERE IS MY COFFEE?! GOD, YOU'RE EVEN SLOWER THAN SUSIE!" The author yelled from a different room. Darius sighed heavily and stopped scrubbing the table to go brew some coffee. While he waited for the coffee to brew, Clint came rushing in.
"Do you know where Kian is?" He asked.
"They're sick today." Darius replied. "I can help you, though." Darius smiled warmly.
"Well, this morning I couldn't find my hearing aids because I forgot that I put them on my dresser instead of my bedside table last night. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it made me realize how much of a liability I am and how little I contribute to this team." Clint confessed.
"Clint," Darius placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know for a fact that without you the team wouldn't be as functional as it is now. You're the glue that holds them all together!" Darius smiled sweetly. "And I see no better purpose!"
"Thanks man, I appreciate it." Clint smiled back.
"DARIUS!" The author yelled from the other room. "COFFEE?!"
Darius rushed over to the coffee machine, and saw that it had been done for a while. He poured a cup and raced into the author's room.
He handed her the coffee, only for her to spit it out. "This is ice cold." She hissed. She threw the coffee at him, which was indeed cold. The coffee stained his shirt. "Forget it." She rolled her eyes. (Ack I'm sorry I was on my period--)
Darius sighed as he exited the room, looking at the giant brown stain on his shirt. He grabbed the rag from earlier and began scrubbing at the lemonade stain again.
A large crash was heard and Darius groaned, knowing it was the fourth wall crumbling again. He raced over to the wall to assess the damage. The wall was practically in ruins.
The stress of the day had finally gotten to Darius, and he began to sob as he sank to his knees. He didn't quite know why he was even crying. The tears just kept flooding out.
"Darius?" He heard behind him. He looked behind him and saw Avery. He quickly wiped the tears that were cascading down his face.
"I thought you were helping Stucky?" He sniffed.
"Yeah, but they finished early so I get a break. Are you okay?" She asked. Darius nodded, not trusting his own voice. She had a skeptical look in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
"This day has been a load of poop." Darius frowned. Avery sighed, and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, remember this. For every bad day, there's a good day waiting to happen." Avery smiled.
"Did you get that off a fortune cookie?" A new voice joined the conversation. They both looked behind them and saw Vine, who was drying his hair with a towel.
"N-No." Avery mumbled. Vine snorted. "Wh-Where have you been? Your best friend is over here crying and you're what? T-Taking a bath?" She grumbled.
"What? You were crying?" Vine asked. "And I was helping Emma in the pool, thank you very much." He playfully glared at Avery, before he looked concerned again.
"I-I handled it. It's fine." Avery smiled at Darius. "I have to get back to Stucky anyways."
"Stucky? What did Steve do this time?" Vine chuckled.
"Bucky is pissy because he accidentally saw the Steve from a Stony oneshot and now he thinks Steve is cheating on him." Avery shrugged, standing up. Vine gave a low whistle. Avery left and Vine turned to Darius.
"Y'know what you need?" Vine asked Darius.
"Confidence?" Darius asked, recalling a previous conversation.
"No, silly." Vine smirked playfully. "Ice cream~"
"Cookies and cream?" Darius' eyes lit up.
"You know it!" Vine smiled brightly as Darius stood up and began bouncing like a little kid.
Dominic stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." He told Susie, pecking her on the lips. Susie smiled, the two were at a date in a diner.
The waitress came up to the table. "Hello! Ny name is Evangeline, I'll be your waitress for today." She smiled. "Do you know what'd you'd like to drink?"
"Well, my date is in the bathroom." Susie smiled apologetically. The waitress had a gleam of irritation in her eyes but smiled nonetheless.
"I'll come back in a few minutes then." She said.
I feel like half the people reading wanted this anyway so this can be it's own thing now.
Darius: *fell asleep while watching the fifth movie of the movie marathon with Vine*
Vine: Ha, foolish boy. I'm going to eat all the ice cream now.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.