It had been a couple of days since his encounter with Spiderman. Miles had not mastered his powers AT ALL.
The first day, he woke up stuck to his bed. He had to tell his mom he was sick and couldn't go to school. He eventually became unstuck, but he had already missed so much of the day that he just stayed home.
The second day, he woke up covered in white stuff. He was relieved to discover it wasn't semen.
It was the third day now, and nothing had happened yet. Miles was relieved, yet suspicious.
He was currently in his third period. Ganke turned to him, asking for a pencil.
He was about to respond, when suddenly he had the strangest feeling. He suddenly had the strange urge to yell: "LOOK OUT!" Miles shouted.
At that exact moment, Spiderman crashed through the wall. Everyone screamed and ran away from the hero sitting in debris.
Spidey coughed. "Fuck you!" He shouted. Everyone turned and saw Goblin standing outside the window. Spidey suddenly stiffened. "Whoops, sorry kids..." He awkwardly laughed.
"Spiderman?!" Ganke exclaimed.
Spidey turned to look at him, and spotted Miles. "Miles! Hey!" He waved.
Miles froze when he felt everyone's eyes on him. "Uh, hey..." Miles suddenly lit up. "Can I--"
"No." Spidey shook his head. "We've talked about this."
Suddenly, Deadpool came crashing through the door. "Don't worry! I'm here!" He shouted, attempting to catch his breath. "Miles! Oh my gosh, hi!"
"Okay, what is going on?" Gloria asked. Miles laughed awkwardly.
Deadpool gasped. "CAN HE--"
"No." Spidey groaned. Deadpool pouted.
"You're no fun." Deadpool grumbled, pulling out a gun.
"Hello? I'm still here?" Goblin scoffed.
"Yeah, I'll get to you in a minute." Spidey waved him off.
"Haha! You get me for now!" Deadpool exclaimed, rushing out and jumping on Goblin.
"Miles, we'll talk later, okay? For now, I need this building evacuated." Spidey yelled the last part. "Where's the principal's office?"
The teacher shakily gave him directions, and Spidey rushed out of the room.
Miles figured Spidey was smart, and he would realize he could just pull the fire alarm.
As if on que, the fire alarm went off.
Miles figured the teachers would be confused, since there was no scheduled fire drill today.
A couple of seconds later, Spidey's voice rang through the intercoms. "Attention students of...what school is this?"
The muffled voice of the principal was heard.
"Thanks, attention students of Brooklyn Visions Academy, this is your friendly neighborhood Spiderman speaking! It would be greatly appreciated if you could vacate the area immediately!" The playful voice of Spidey said. "That means you too, Miles." He said the last bit with a hint of irritation in his voice. "That is all!"
"You heard the man!" The teacher exclaimed.
Miles' class left the classroom and began speed walking to the exit. They were soon joined by the rest of the school.
Once outside, Miles looked around. He spotted a nearby costume store. "Huh, convenient." He mumbled. "It's almost like the universe is some lazy author." He shrugged and snuck away to the store.
He ran inside once he had gotten away. "Hello, welcome to Melania's Masterpieces, how can I help you?" The cashier asked, not really paying attention to Miles.
Miles ignored him and picked the nearest costume that was in his size. He brought it to the register.
The cashier looked at the costume, and looked back at him. "You want...this...?" He asked. Miles nodded.
The cashier shrugged and scanned it.
Peter was quick to rejoin Wade in fighting Goblin. "The little spider has come back go play, how exciting!" Goblin cackled.
"Well, it isn't a party if I'm not here." Peter smirked, shooting a web and launching himself at Goblin.
He missed, but gracefully landed on a building. Wade was already there, pouting while waiting for his legs to regenerate.
Spidey sighed and jumped up again, shooting a web at Goblin's hoverboard.
It successfully clogged up the engine and sent Goblin crashing down. Spidey smirked, but froze when he saw a pink blob running towards Goblin. "What the...?" He mumbled, landing back on the building.
"Is that..." Wade snorted. "Is that Peppa Pig?"
Indeed it was, and it was running towards Goblin at amazing speed.
Miles wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but he was determined to stop Goblin.
He jumped on top of the villain and began beating the shit out of him. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Goblin yelled.
"That's Miles, isn't it?" Peter pinched the bridge of his nose.
Wade didn't respond, he was too busy laughing his ass off. Wait, his ass is already off...
Miles stopped when he realized that Goblin had passed out from fear. He stood up, and stoically looked at Spidey.
He gave him a salute, which caused Wade to laughed even harder. Spidey saluted back, albeit more sarcastically.
Miles shrunk slightly when he noticed how mad Spidey was. He walked off, ignoring his applauding classmates.
Not that happy with his one.
Jack: Well, they've probably figured out that we tricked them....
Vine: It'll be worth it once they're sucking face.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.