Lmao this is part 100
Also I'm posting Replaced (Part 11) in a couple hours
"So, like." Miles began. "Since birds and humans have coexisted for so long. What are the chances someone has choked and died on bird poop?"
"Just imagine a meeting in Heaven. Hey, how'd you die?" Peter said, turning to Harley.
"Poisoned by my fiance. It was like some soap opera shit." Harley said. "She was all like 'you don't care for me enough' and I was all like 'shut up and make me a drink woman' and bada bing bada boom, I'm dead." He turned to Shuri. "What about you?"
"Stabbed by a serial killer." She shook her head. "He apparently had this grudge against really attractive women, so I was more flattered than terrified when I died." Shuri turned to Miles. "How about you?"
"Choked on bird poop." He said simply.
"You...choked...on bird poop?" Peter asked.
"Hey don't judge me, Mr. I-died-while-sucking-cock. I was choking on poop, not dick." Miles crossed his arms.
"He strangled me while I was sucking his dick! What was I supposed to do?!" Peter exclaimed.
"I'll have you know that it was rather tasty." Miles said.
"Yes, tasted like sunflower seeds." He said. "Just with less salt and more if that horse shit taste."
"You mean bird shit?" Shuri asked.
"I know what I said, Karen."
"Aren't the odds of that happening really low?" Harley asked.
"No one asked you, George." Miles grumbled. "Honestly, why is mine being so harshly judged?"
"It's cuz we love you!" Peter said, pinching Miles' cheek.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.