It was the end of the day, and Flash and Peter were waiting for the limo. "So, how have you been handling your new life?" Peter asked, a playful smile finding it's way to his lips.
"Put a sock in it, fuckwad." Flash scowled, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Not very well then?" Peter asked, tilting his head. Flash turned slightly red in embarrassment.
"What's it to you, Parker?" Flash attempted to play off his embarrassment. Peter rose a brow.
"I just wanna make sure you haven't killed my family." Peter shrugged. Flash scoffed.
"I'm more concerned about your 'family' killing me." Flash mumbled, though Peter didn't hear it. "So, is no one going to ask who you are when we arrive?"
"I have friends over all the time, I can just introduce you as another friend." Peter shrugged.
"You mean I can introduce you?" Flash snorted. Peter deflated slightly.
"Yeah, right." He mumbled. Flash frowned but didn't comment on the change of behavior. An awkward silence rested upon the two boys.
Flash honestly felt bad for Peter, he had to deal with his shitty dad and constant glares from their peers. Meanwhile, Flash gets to live with his idols. It wasn't fair, and a part of him wishes Peter would snap and freak out on him. Hit him, verbally abuse him, just something.
Happy pulled up, and Peter and Flash entered the limo. Happy rose his brow at Peter. "Who's this?" He asked.
"My friend." Flash responded shortly. Peter waved, a smile on his face.
Happy rose a brow, he had seen this boy around when he was picking up Peter. He always had a scowl on his face. "Does your friend have a name?"
"What's it to you?" Flash scoffed in reply.
"Fl--Peter!" Peter hissed, slapping Flash's arm. Flash scowled. "I'm Eugene." Peter told Happy, smirking in satisfaction when Flash's--well, his face twisted with annoyance.
"Call him Flash, it's way cooler than fucking Eugene." Flash scoffed, crossing his arms. Happy furrowed his brow at the blatant insult but didn't say anything.
Happy wordlessly started the car and they were headed to the tower. "So, when did you two become friends?"
"Who the hell said we were friends?" Flash cut Peter off. In case it wasn't obvious, both had given up on acting like the other by now.
Happy rose his brows in surprise. "So, you're inviting someone who isn't your friend to the tower...?"
"Well, I thought we had gotten significantly closer than before." Peter pouted. Flash glanced at him.
"Frenemies." He grunted out. Peter shot him a confused look.
"We're frenemies, nothing more." Flash looked out the window, not wanting to see Peter's--er, his face light up.
Happy tried his best to not react to how out of character Peter had been lately.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Flash asked Peter once they left the limo.
"We find Dad and ask for help, simple." Peter shrugged. "Or Uncle Bruce, depends on who we find first."
"Okay, what is the deal with you and Tony Stark?" Flash asked. "Is he your biological father?"
"Adopted." Peter told him. They entered the tower. "Hey Friday." Peter said out of habit. Flash sent him a look and Peter realized what he'd done wrong. "Uh, I mean--"
"Eugene Thompson." Friday announced. "No current access level. Master Parker-Stark, shall I alert security?"
Flash stood there, before realizing the AI wad referring to him. "Uh, no. He's with me."
"Eugene Thompson, Beta Level 1 access." Friday announced. "Welcome to Stark Industries."
The two walked into the elevator. "Take me to the floor Tony Stark is on." Flash said.
Friday didn't respond, but the elevator started moving, startling Flash.
The elevator doors opened to reveal the common room. Peter sighed in relief, it felt like ages since he stepped foot in here.
Tony looked up from his phone. "Pete!" He exclaimed, standing up. Peter instinctively held his arms put for a hug, and was more than a little bit disappointed when Flash received the hug instead.
"Uh, h-hi." Flash stuttered out. Tony pulled away, a smile on his face.
"Um, Da--Mr. Stark." Peter mumbled, gaining Tony's attention. He quickly went into famous-person-mode.
"Who's this?" Tony asked in his "billionaire" voice. Peter frowned. "What's with the look, kid? You're in the presence of THE Tony Stark." Tony smirked cockily.
"We need your help." Flash told Tony. Tony's brow furrowed slightly, almost being unnoticeable if you didn't know him.
"What's up?" Tony asked, an aloof look on his face. Peter could tell he didn't want to freak out in front of this kid he didn't know. He was a superhero after all.
"Can we talk about this in private?" Peter asked. Tony rose a brow. "And can you ask Unc--Mr. Banner to join us?"
Tony gave a low whistle. "Must be serious if you're asking for Banner. Friday, ask Bruce to meet me in meeting room #6."
"Yes sir."
Tony began walking. "Follow me." He commented lazily. "So, you gonna tell me who this guy is or is that a secret?" Tony asked Flash, gesturing to Peter.
"We'll get to that." Flash gave an awkward smile. "Um, your tower is really nice."
"Uh, thanks...?" Tony mumbled, confused. "I mean, you've already told me like 500 times how nice it is, but yeah. Obviously it's nice, it's Stark Tower."
They arrived at the meeting room, where Bruce was already waiting. "What's up?" He asked.
Tony, Flash, and Peter walked into the room. Peter closed the door behind them. "Peter and I switched bodies." Flash said.
Tony and Bruce stared at them.
Damn I really neglected this huh-
Darius: Hey, I heard about the breakup.
Susie: Yeah...
Darius: Are you doing okay?
Susie: I'm doing better after the girls (+ Kian) took me out.
Darius: Well, that's good. I wouldn't want to see you sad.
Susie: Thanks, Darius.