Peter felt weird lately. He wasn't sure why, he felt off. Of course he maintained his playful persona around the team, but inside he was feeling weird. Peter couldn't exactly explain how he was feeling. He felt like he was forgetting something, but he wasn't sure what.
The team noticed weird changes in Peter, but brushed it off. What were these weird changes, you ask? He would sometimes forget little things. Like which way to turn to get to his room.
What they didn't know was that after their fight with Mysterio a couple of weeks ago, that blow Peter took wasn't exactly harmless.
Peter never told anyone what exactly happened, so they figured nothing did. Peter didn't think anything really happened, but he could've sworn he saw a syringe somewhere during that fight. It was all a hazy mess. Had he been injected with something and was just now experiencing the effects? Peter walked into the training room, his teammates greeted him warmly. "Hey, Webs!" Nova waved. Peter waved back happily, thankful for the distraction.
"Hey bucket head! What's on the agenda?" Spidey asked them. Fury answered over the coms.
"You'll be simulating a fight with Otto Octavious." Fury's tone was cold as per usual. "I expect you all to be on your best performance." Suddenly, the training room transformed into a street, with Doc Oc standing right in the center.
"You think you can defeat me?" Otto cackled. Peter rolled his eyes underneath the mask.
"That was so cliche, you villains need to do something new for a change. It's getting kinda boring." Spidey put his hands on his hips.
"Enough small talk!" The simulated Otto shot his tentacles out at them. They all jumped away before it could grab them though.
"I thought you liked my witty banter, oh you wound me!" Peter laughed as he dodged another tentacle. "But I agree, let's end this quickly." The team nodded in agreement and began to attack.
As they were fighting, Spidey looked for an opening. The simulation had been pretty defensive since they started attacking, so it was pretty difficult. For a split second, his guard was down slightly, Peter saw this and took advantage of it. He jumped up to punch the simulation but right before his fist connected, he felt a sharp pain in his skull, causing him to yelp and fall to the ground. The simulation spotted him on the floor and hit him into a wall. His vision was blurry for some reason. He didn't understand why, he had taken worse hits then that. He was crawling on the floor, his instincts telling him to get away from the fight. "Spiderman! Get back in there!" Fury yelled through the com, his voice seeming ten times louder. He yelled in pain and covered his ears.
The sounds of the fight were piercing his eardrums, louder than anything he had ever heard before. He was gasping for air even though he could breathe. He could smell and feel every little thing. An ant crawling on the floor felt like an earthquake. He could smell the sweat of all his teammates, causing him to gag in displeasure. His eyes were tightly closed, all lights seemed brighter, all colors hurt to look at. The shiny gold of Nova's suit, the bright yellow on Powerman's. Even the creamy white on Ava's. He could taste everything he had eaten, for weeks. "Spiderman!" Fury yelled again. Peter cried out in pain again, tears leaking out of his eyes. Fury tsked. "Stop the simulation." The room turned back to normal and Otto disappeared. Peter's ears were ringing. His breathing was uneven and the team noticed instantly. They ran over to him, their footsteps vibrating the ground. The doors opened and an angry Fury marched in, his footsteps being more forceful and loud then everyone else's. "What was that?!" Fury boomed, causing Peter to sob in pain.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! BE QUIET!" Peter yelled, startling everyone. Fury was enraged.
"Watch your tone, Spidey. You're on thin ice." Fury growled. Peter winced. Fury grabbed Peter's arm, causing him to scream in pain. Fury dropped him out of suprise. Peter hit the ground and it felt like he had been dropped twenty stories. He screamed again.
"Is he okay?!" Nova yelled, pointing at the Spidey, who was writhing in pain. Spidey now remembered what he had forgotten.
Mysterio cackled, he had Spidey under his spell. "How do I stop the mighty Spiderman? Oh! I know. Whenever you go to hit someone, you will find your senses tripled." Spidey nodded in response. Mysterio pulled out a syringe and stuck it into Spidey, taking some of his blood.
Peter gasped at the memory, cursing himself for not remembering. Fury sent in some agents and they injected him with something. He felt drowsy and fell to the floor, unconscious.
A/N: You wanted USM, so here ya go!