The Sky

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Lexi_da_best I love this, whoops.

Are you ready for that juicy Spideychelle? Some of that sweet angsty Spideychelle.

TW: Suicide

Peter always loved to look at the sky.

It wasn't for any particular reason. He just liked it. There was this mysterious beauty it held.

The sky was his earliest memory, his parents took him to the park and he was lying on the grass, staring up at the sky. His mother was running a hand through his hair as his father told him stories about pirates and superheroes.

He missed them.

The sky held lots of grief as well. His parents had died in an airplane crash, leaving him to the care of his aunt and uncle.

The sky reminded him of the stargazing he used to do with Ben. It couldn't really be called stargazing,  more so looking for a star to gaze at. Ben taught him all the constellations.

He missed him.

The sky cried with him as he clutched Ben's cold body on the side of the road. The sky was probably the last thing Ben saw before he was a memory in the wind. How lucky of him to have such a beautiful last sight.

The sky was what May would point at, telling him that the rest of the family was up there. She would hold him close and tell him that she would watch over him. That she would never leave. She lied.

He missed her.

May died in a car crash. The driver turned out to be a robber who was trying to get away. Even dead she was still saving the day. The police officers told him that as she slipped away into the cool and calming embrace if death, she weakly pointed to the sky. He was told that in her last moments she said that she would be up there soon. She didn't want him to be sad, but it was just so hard to be happy. His whole family was dead.

The sky was where his dad flew from to save the day. He was so strong, so brave. Everything Peter was not. He remembers the first encounter with his father. "Good work, kid." He said. Just the thought of making his dad proud swelled his heart. He finally had a family again. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

He missed him.

Tony died in space. Never returning from Titan. He was devastated when he heard the news. He finally had a family again. He finally had a home and it was snapped away by Thanos. Peter spent days locked up in his room. He didn't talk to anyone.

Then, when everything seemed hopeless, an angel walked into his life. An angel named Michelle Jones. She was there for Peter through thick and thin. She often took him on dates were they'd stare at the sky. She called it cloudgazing. He called it remembering.

He missed her.

Goblin got her. Dropped her down a clock tower. He was too slow and didn't save her in time. He watched her fall through the sky, to her demise. The look of confidence replaced with dread when she realized what was about to happen.

So now Peter sat, covered in band-aids. Not because he was hurt, no. Because he was told band-aids help you feel alright. He took a step and looked up at the sky. He smiled and looked down at the busy city below. He took another step and looked at the billboard that was near. "Spiderman the menace." It read. He smiled and took another step. He took another. And another. And another. He took one more, and then he was falling. Falling to peace. Falling to clarity. He looked up at the sky and then he hit the ground.

New York missed him.


This one is short and I kinda hate it but whatever. This was all written in the span of an hour so wig.

Also, 666 words. ;)

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