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The answer was "Princess Closet" for any of yall wondering.
That beautiful man up there is Tachibana.
Anyways let's begin.
Peter walked into the training room, ready for some training with Natasha.
"Hey Auntie Nat!" He waved as he entered, a bright smile in his face. Natasha waved back, smiling fondly at the teen.
"You ready?" She asked. "We're going to stretch first. Get you warmed up." Peter nodded.
"How long are we going for today?" Peter asked. Natasha shrugged.
"Maybe an hour, an hour and a half?" She told him, doing the first stretch. "Anyways, how's school?"
"Good. My Algebra 2 teacher can suck a dick though." He tsked.
"LANGUAGE!" Steve screamed from somewhere in the tower.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP STEVE!" Tony yelled from somewhere else.
"What did he do to you?" Natasha asked, chuckling slightly.
"It's a she, and she has this stupid fucking grading system." He spat. "Even if you get all the questions right, she'll give you an F because it 'didn't look to be checked'." He rolled his eyes.
"That's what I said!" Peter exclaimed. "And when I brought it up she just told me to 'suck it up, dirty orphan' like what the actual fuck?!" Peter scoffed.
"She told you to what?" Natasha asked, her eyes suddenly very alert.
"It's fine. I'm used to it." Peter shrugged.
"What? Why are you used to it?" Natasha asked. "Does she say things like this often?"
"Kinda?" Peter sighed. "It's more joking usually, not as aggressive."
"Examples." Natasha commanded.
"Well one time she said 'Peter answer this question. Oh wait, sorry. I forgot you weren't getting enough food to feed your brain cells. Being an orphan and all.' And like I didn't really realize it was insulting until a few minutes later?" He shrugged.
"What the actual hell?" Natasha spat. "She can't talk to you like that."
"Well I mean she can--"
"She shouldn't." Natasha interrupted him firmly. "Have you told Tony about this?"
"No?" Peter said. "I didn't think it was a big deal."
"Of course it's a big deal, Peter. She's belittling you!" Natasha furrowed her eyebrows. "Why wouldn't it be a big deal?!"
"Because everyone does it." Peter shrugged. "Flash, the lunch lady, that one kid from fifth period--"
"Okay that's one too many." Natasha frowned. "What classes is this 'Flash' in?"
"Uh, he's in my 3rd and 6th period."
"Okay, got it." Natasha nodded. "And what's the name of this boy from fifth period?"
"I don't know. I usually just call him 'Flash wannabe' but I think his name is Oliver Hayes something." Peter recalled. "Why?"
"Just asking." Natasha smirked to herself.
"Auntie Nat, I know that face. Please don't."
"What?! I just wanna talk!" She exclaimed. Peter shot her the most sarcastic look he has ever made.
"Auntie Nat, I know you care about me and I really appreciate it, but some battles I have to face by myself." Peter sighed.
"This seems less like a battle more like an ambush." Natasha scoffed. "You know you don't have to do this alone."
"But I ought to, right? If I'm not the one getting bothered, then they'll move on to someone else. I'd rather it be me." Peter shrugged.
"Always so selfless." Natasha sighed. "That'll be the death of you one day."
"Well I'd rather be remembered as selfless than selfish." Peter laughed.
So they continued training.
Mrs. Barnier was sitting in her room, lazily grading papers. Suddenly, she heard movement in her kitchen. "Hello?" She called. "Someone there?"
She received no response.
She hesitantly stood up, grabbing an until candle for defense. She slowly made her way towards the kitchen.
"You got a thing against orphans?" A female voice hissed from somewhere in the house.
She caught a glimpse of cold green eyes in the kitchen. She ran for her phone, which was sitting on the coffee table.
A knife shot out of the kitchen and impaled her phone. "I wouldn't." The voice said again.
Mrs. Barnier vaguely recognized that voice, but she was having trouble matching it to a face. "Who are you?!" Mrs. Barnier screamed. "You've got the wrong woman! I'm just a teacher!"
"Oh, I know. I know all about you. Claire Barnier, a teacher at Midtown High." A figure of a woman stalked towards her. "Teacher of Peter Parker."
"Did that brat send you for me?! I-I swear I can pay ten times the amount he offered!" Barnier stammered.
"This isn't about money." The figure spat. She stepped into the light, revealing to be Natasha Romanoff.
"B-Black Widow?!"
"If you even think something bad about MY Peter, I'll hunt you down and tear you apart. Limb from limb." She scowled. An empty threat, but the teacher didn't know that.
"O-Okay! I'll leave him alone!" Mrs. Barnier screamed. "Just please leave me alone!"
"That's a good girl." Natasha smirked, backing into the shadows, before vanishing from sight.