Body Switch (Part 8)

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Flash walked into school the next day, having just bought Peter more clothes because fuck it if he was going to be trapped in this nerd's body he better give him a makeover.

He looked around, and instantly sneered when he saw what Peter was wearing.

Peter was stood there in the most baggy sweater Flash had ever seen. You couldn't even see his hands because of how far they were buried in the sleeves.

Flash took a deep breath and walked over to Peter. A few looks were sent his way because of his new confidence but no one said anything.

"Hey, Flash?" Flash asked, putting a large smile on his face. He aggressively tapping Peter on the shoulder.

"Fl--Peter!" Peter jumped. "I'm sor--"

"What the actual fuck are you wearing?" He asked cheerfully. Somehow, this was scarier than aggressive Flash.

"I was tired! It was a force of habit!" Peter flushed. "I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, whatever." Flash scoffed. "Don't let my dad catch you wearing that." He murmured. Peter frowned.

"Um, Eugene?" Peter asked. Flash's eye twitched but he didn't say anything. "I know it isn't my place to intrude, but after we switch back, if you ever need a friend my door will always be open."

Flash felt like he might cry, but just gave Peter a small smile. "...thanks, I appreciate it." He said quietly.

"You're always welcome at the tower." Peter patted Flash on the shoulder.

The bell rang, and Flash reluctantly let Peter lead him to the class.


It was second period, and Flash wanted to leave more than ever.

"Mr. Thompson?" Flash looked up. When he saw the teacher looking at Peter instead of him, he suddenly remembered that he wasn't in his body. How the fuck do you even forget something like that, Flash?

"Uh, yes?" Peter asked.

"What are you writing?" The teacher asked. "Hopefully not a note to another student."

Flash snorted. The old bat really assumed Flash had friends, huh?

"I'm taking notes, sir." Peter furrowed his brow. "And I was in the middle of doing so before you interrupted me with your prejudicial accusation."

Flash nervously looked at the teacher. He was really hoping Peter didn't get in trouble. If he did then it would go on Flash's permanent record.

The teacher gave Peter a skeptical look, before harshly snatching the paper away from Peter.

"It...appears you are taking notes." The teacher frowned. "Just know that I'm watching you, Thompson."

Flash narrowed his eyes. This teacher had had it in for him since the beginning of the year. Well, makes sense, he did hate this class with a passion and constantly tried to annoy the shit out of Mr. Brooke.

Flash scoffed, gaining the attention of Mr. Brooke.

Every teacher loved Peter, so it wasn't a suprise when Mr. Brooke addressed him politely. "What is it, Mr. Parker?"

"Oh, it's just the utter audacity of Flash. I just can't believe he'd be so rude to such a wonderful person as yourself." He replied snarkily.

Mr. Brooke noticed the sarcasm and narrowed his eyes at Flash.

"D-Don't mind him, Mr. Brooke!" Ned quickly intervened. "I-It's just close to the anniversary of his parent's passing."

Flash recoiled in shock. He knew for a fact it wasn't, so that was a horrible excuse to use. His parents were friends with the Parkers, so when he was little they would host a memorial annually.

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