Venom (Part 1)

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Things to know: Peter is Tony's biological son.

Pepper and Tony aren't together anymore.

Stony (sorry of you're not into that)

The Avengers know of Peter's identity

Civil War never happened (obviously)

Peter was on patrol, making his nightly rounds. Suddenly, he spotted a man trying to steal a bicycle. "Hey! I don't know if you know this, but the bicycle shop isn't here." Not one of his best, he'll admit. The man cursed and slowly stepped away from the bike, running away. "Okay, bye then." He mumbled under his breath. He turned around to swing away when he spotted a little girl. "Oh, uh, hello!" He gave her a tiny wave. "Did you need something?" She stepped foward and wrapped an arm around Peter's neck. Her grip was surprisingly strong and Peter couldn't escape it. He felt as if something were going into him.

Peter choked and sputtered for air when her grip released and she fell to the ground. He gasped for air, coughing. He turned to the little girl, alarmed. "Um, little girl? Are you okay?" Her chest wasn't rising and falling so Peter put his head to her chest. He heard no heartbeat and sat straight up, panicking. "Wha-she's dead! Oh my God! She's dead! Oh no no no no no no no!"

"Calm down." A voice in his head tried to calm him. He screamed.

"Wh-who's there?! Show yourself!" Peter got into a fighting position. His eyes darted around frantically. The voice chuckled. Black goo sprouted out of his back and a head materialized out of it.

"Boo." It chuckled. Peter stood there, paralyzed with fear. His eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground, passed out.


"Sir, Peter's heartbeat has accelerated." Friday alerted Tony.

"Where is he?" Tony asked Friday.

"Monev Avenue, sir." Friday told him. He nodded, mumbling a thank you. Tony rushed out of the lab, suit already on.

"Tony? What's going on?" Steve asked as his husband ran into the room. Tony rushed to the elevator.

"No time to talk, something is wrong with Pete." Tony didn't say anything else before telling Friday to shut the elevator. Tony blinked and Steve was standing next to him, in his Captain America outfit. "How did you...?" Steve shook his head and the subject was dropped.

The elevator reached the bottom level and they ran out. Tony began flying to Monev Avenue. "Sir, Peter's heartbeat has accelerated even more." Friday alerted Tony.

"Shit." Tony mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, too concerned about his son-in-law to care about Tony swearing.

"Something is definitely wrong." Tony replied. "Friday, ask Karen for Peter's diagnosis." Friday was silent for a moment.

"His heart has just skipped a beat and...he is now unconscious." Tony's eyes widened. "We need to hurry." Tony told Steve. Steve nodded and started running faster while Tony accelerated his boosters. They arrived at Monev and were shocked to find Peter and a little girl on the floor. Tony rushed over to Peter. "Steve, check on the girl." Steve hesitated before going to check on her. Tony shook Peter who groaned.

"Tony...she's dead." Steve breathed out, shocked. Suddenly Peter shot up.

"Pete! Are you okay?" Tony asked him. Peter gave a dazed nod. "What happened.

"There was...a bicycle thief and-and then that...that demon!" He yelled, pointing to the dead girl. Tony and Steve were confused. "She- She grabbed my throat and then there was this gooey, black, parasite thing! It went inside me. Then there was this my head! Am I crazy? No! No I'm not! She-she did this! She did something to me!" He was pointing at the little girl, eyes wide behind the mask.

"You need to calm down, buddy." Tony told Peter. Peter nodded and attempted to calm down.

"He's nice." The voice commented. Peter screamed, alarming Steve and Tony. "Can you not do that everytime I talk?"

"This isn't real...this isn't real! I'm dreaming! This isn't happening! I'm not crazy!" Peter mumbled.

"Peter? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Tony placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter didn't notice.

"Who are you?!" He roared, pointing at thin air.

"Calm down, Peter. I am Venom. You are mine." The voice drawled on in a deep voice. Peter's eyes widened.

"H-how do you know my name?" He asked.

"I know everything about you, Peter. We are one." Venom replied, thankful that Peter wasn't screaming anymore. Peter let a shaky laugh out.

"Ok. I guess this is real then...right? I'm not crazy..." He convinced himself.

"Um, Pete?" Steve brought him back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine!" He replied. Tony gave him a sarcastic look.

"You're coming with us to the med bay." Tony told him and picked him up like a potato sack.

"Hey! Put me down!" His voice got a slightly demonic edge to it. Tony and Steve jumped in surprise. Tony cleared his throat.

"Uh, wow." He breathed out. "No, you're coming with us."

So Tony and Steve lugged Peter back to the tower.


Okay, I made another thing.

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