Before You Begin

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Hello! Before you embark on the long journey that is this book, I just want to make you aware of a few things!

1. This book has swearing in it. I'm just going to say it now so if you have a problem you can scram.

2. When you come across this swearing, do not comment "Language" "watch your language" etc.

It's annoying and you're not funny. Stop.

You got a fucking problem with swearing? Leave.

Since yall are STILL commenting on this, let me clarify. I KNOW it's a reference, but when it's referenced every time there's a swear word, I have the urge to beat your motherfucking asses into a bloody pulp.

3. I'm a very bold person, I'm not afraid of being "offensive"

So do not comment about it. Whatever you have to say I've probably already heard it. Capiche?

UPDATE: Just so you know, this book was written before I knew what the r word meant. I'd like to apologize in advance if you see it used in this book. I was 12. I've learned better.

4. Please if you have a question, check the other comments to see if someone has already asked it.

5. If you don't agree with some of my opinions, that's okay! Just be
prepared for a fierce debate.

6. I make a lot of typos, and I'm aware of most of them. I usually die of embarrassment when I spot them so if you point them out, I'll probably want to shoot myself.'t comment on typos.

7. To prove to me that you actually read this, comment "The monkey is twerking in the chicken's lap."

If you fail to meet one of my requests, you're comment will be given 24 hours to apologize for

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If you fail to meet one of my requests, you're comment will be given 24 hours to apologize for. Then it will promptly be deleted.

If you have a problem with these demands, you can tell me. I will kindly ignore you.

K, thanks.

You may proceed.

The Author

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now