That's me in my final form ^^
Things to know: Sorry, this is Spideypool. I know I should start writing other ships more often but yeah.
Peter and Wade are both juniors in highschool.
Peter had noticed things about his boyfriend. The way his eyes lit up when the subject of Mexican food was brought up. The way he would try his hardest not to fall asleep in class, and would ultimately end up failing.
So it wasn't unprecedented when he had started to noticed Wade become a little more...weird?
His smiles seemed so forced, so uncomfortable. It was too wide. Too happy.
He noticed the way his smile would dim a little after he told a joke. As if he were silently reprimanding himself.
He noticed how in class he wouldn't even try to stay awake anymore. He would simply close his eyes and drift off.
It was a cool Wednesday night. They were studying in Peter's room. Well, studying isn't the right word. It was more like Peter would watch as Wade struggled to focus on the actual work.
"Hey Wade?" He asked. Wade hummed in reply, not taking his eyes off the book. "Are you okay?"
Wade shot his eyes to him. He stared at Peter blankly, as if he couldn't process the question Peter just asked.
"What?" He finally replied. He shook his head as he realized that wasn't the appropriate answer. "No, I mean, I'm fine. Sorry, I've been spacing out lately."
"Are you sure?" Peter asked. "You know you shouldn't keep it all bottled up."
"I'm...not keeping anything 'bottled up'." Wade scoffed, looking back at the book. "I'm fine."
"That's the thing, I know you're not." Peter pursed his lips. "You can talk to me, it's okay to be upset."
"But is it?" Wade snapped. "Everyone says that it's okay to not be okay, when in reality they're only saying that so they don't seem like an asshole."
"No one actually cares. They just pretend to so they can boost their ego. They say they want to hear me rant to them but they don't want to listen to me complain and complain and complain." Wade huffed. "That's all I can seem to do."
"Wade, what is this about?" Peter asked, grabbing his hand. "Did something happen?"
"God, nothing happened! I'm fine!" He exclaimed, jerking his hand away. "Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay?"
"Because we care about you!" Peter exclaimed.
"Who is 'we'? No one gives a flying fuck about me." Wade spat.
"You're my fucking boyfriend! I care about you more than I care about myself!" Peter frowned. "And I want you to care about yourself too."
"I do care about myself!" Wade shot back. "I'm not fucking depressed, okay?! I'm normal! I'm--"
"Who said being depressed wasn't normal?" Peter cut in. Wade froze, eyebrows furrowing. "We can get you help!"
Wade's eyes suddenly lit up with rage. "I don't need help! I'm fucking fine! I don't have a problem! Nothing happened! I'm not depressed! I'm fine!" Wade screamed.
"Your eyes are glassy."
"They're not." Wade whispered, sniffling. "I don't wanna study anymore." He mumbled.
"Okay." Peter nodded.
"I'm going home." Wade huffed and began packing his bag.
"Hey babe!" Wade exclaimed the next day. He gave Peter a swift kiss on the cheek. "How's your morning been?"
"Good." Peter replied.
He could tell Wade was pretending their argument never happened. He didn't speak up.
"That's great! Mine's been pretty shitty." Wade shook his head. "I poured myself an entire bowl of cereal, blissfully unaware that I had no milk!" He struck a dramatic pose. "Oh the sadness that struck me was unbearable!"
Peter snorted. "That's why you always check before you make cereal." Peter rolled his eyes. Wade laughed. "Are you doing alright?" Peter asked.
Wade's smile dampened slightly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Peter sighed. "Nevermind, then." Peter shook his head. "What did you end up eating?"
"I made eggs." Wade smirked triumphantly. Peter rose a brow.
"And how many tries did THAT take?"
"27!" Wade exclaimed cheerily. Peter snorted. "I kept breaking the yolk."
"You could've just eaten scrambled eggs?" Peter suggested. Wade opened his mouth, then closed it again.
"Um, well, you wanna come over for omelettes later?" Wade asked. Peter laughed.
Peter was trying his hardest to act normal. He could tell Wade didn't want to make what happened yesterday a big deal.
"You actually kept the eggs you broke?" Peter asked. "I'm pretty sure that's highly unsanitary."
"No I threw them away, but I need to buy more eggs and use those so I don't feel like I wasted a bunch of eggs." Wade snorted. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Still, I'm pretty sure 26 eggs is enough for a pretty big omelette." Peter smirked. Wade's eyes lit up.
"And I can buy a bunch of cheese too!" He clapped. "Yes!"
Later Peter would regret not bringing up the argument, but for now they would be eating omelettes.
Idek what this is.
Darius: we, like, dating now?
Susie: If you want to?
Darius: Well if YOU want to...then I want to.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.