Peter was muttering to himself the entire way back to the tower, scaring the hell out of Tony and Steve. Steve, who was carrying him heard snippets of what he was saying.
"--kill me--"
Poor Steve only grew more concerned. Tony and Steve exchanged worried glances as the neared the tower. Steve automatically put him in the med bay, Tony close behind. "BRUCE!" Tony yelled, causing the scientist (who had been working in something) to fall off of his chair in fright.
"What is it? What happened? Who's dying?" He looked around in a panic. Tony pointed to Peter, who was mumbling something about being hungry.
"Fix that." Tony commanded. Bruce tilted his head.
"What's wrong with him?" Bruce asked as he walked over to Peter. Bruce tried to remove his mask but Peter shot his hand out, grabbing Bruce's wrist.
"Don't touch me." Peter growled, frightening Bruce greatly. He then let go and continued whispering to himself.
"That's what's wrong with him." Steve said. Bruce glanced at him before kneeling down to face Peter.
"Pete?" He spoke softly. Peter's head shot up. "Can you remove your mask please?" Peter's hands slowly went to his mask as he took it off. All they saw was a scared, sweaty teen who looked like he didn't know what was happening. "I'm going to take some of your blood, okay? Just to make sure you're okay." Peter hesitantly nodded and Peter went to go get the needle.
"Hmm, there seems to be traces of extraterrestrial life in his erythrocyte." Bruce told them as he read the results. Tony's eyes widened while Steve just looked confused.
"Extraterrestrial? Shouldn't his advanced leukocytes have fought that off by now?" Tony asked, making Steve even more confused.
"That's what you'd think but this isn't normal extraterrestrial life, it's something that's literally extraterrestrial. Like, from space." Bruce sighed and Tony was suprised.
"A celestial life form?" Tony mumbled to himself. "Could he die from this?" Steve's eyes widened.
"I'm not sure, it seems to have bonded with his erythrocyte already, so there's no way that his leukocytes will fight it off." Bruce sadly shook his head. "There's nothing I can do, unless you want me to remove all his blood and replace it?" Steve nearly had a heart attack. He wasn't following the conversation but he definitely understood what that meant.
"What are the symptoms?" Tony asked, biting his thumb anxiously. Bruce shrugged.
"I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see. Nothing like this has ever been reported into the medical records." Bruce told them. "Maybe if I contain him and see how he reacts to certain--"
"You are not turning my son into a guinea pig." Tony spat, Steve glared at Bruce for even thinking something so awful.
"Sorry, it's the scientist in me." Bruce sighed. "He should be fine, there is a chance he may be experiencing something paranormal. The only thing I noticed that was different other than his blood was a increased appetite. Which would be fine, if Peter was a normal human. Since Peter already has an advanced digestive system, an increase in appetite could be deadly." Bruce deadpanned.
"Is there anything you can do?" Steve asked, Bruce shook his head.
"The only thing we can do is make sure he has food in him at all times. Normally he would be able to go an hour without eating. With the sudden increase, however, I estimate him having to eat every ten minutes."
"How did you get an increase in appetite from a blood sample?" Peter spoke up for the first time.
"Stark technology is truly amazing." Bruce said, ignoring Tony's smug look.
"Ugh, all this science talk is boring me!" Venom complained from inside Peter's head. "And I'm hungry! Steve is looking rather tasty..." Peter's stomach growled loudly and Peter flushed bright red.
"You can't eat my stepdad." Peter growled under his breath. Steve, with his advanced hearing, shot Peter a scared look.
"Someone wants to eat me?" Steve asked Peter, gaining the attention of Bruce and Tony. "Who wants to eat me, Peter?"
"The voice in my head." Peter tapped the side of his head twice. Tony grabbed Bruce by the arm.
"Is my son turning into the masturbation with a mouth?" Tony whispered to him. Tony the turned toward Peter. "Also, I'm the only one allowed to eat Steve!" Tony exclaimed, making everyone in the room stop what they were doing.
Steve turned bright red. "Tony!" He exclaimed. Tony laughed and kissed Steve on the cheek, making him blush harder.
"Ew!" Peter cringed at their cuteness.
"Possesive, I like it. I am now devoting myself to their relationship." Venom declared, making Peter snort. "Also, you should probably eat now. I want tater tots."
"Hey dad? Pops?" Peter said, gaining the attention of his fathers. "Can I have tater tots? Please?"
"Language..." Steve sighed and shook his head. You could distantly hear the sound of Bucky cursing him out.
"THEY'RE FOR PETER, DIPSHIT!" Tony yelled. There was silence, then you could hear the sound of running towards the room. Bucky rushed in holding a freshly made plate of tater tots. "How--"
"Here ya go, kid!" Bucky gave the plate to Peter and ruffled his hair. "Now if you excuse me, I was watching the real housewives."
Peter didn't even seem to notice Bucky leave, as he viciously poured the tater tots into his mouth. "MORE!" He yelled as he tossed the plate to the side. Bruce, Steve, and Tony stared at him.
"He's stuck like that? Forever?" Tony asked Bruce. Bruce nodded.
"Until he dies, I presume." Bruce placed a hand on his chin. "How did he become like that?"
"There was...a little girl. She was dead when we arrived." Steve accounted. "Peter was rambling about how she was a demon and did something to him."
"Maybe she's the one who gave him the extraterrestrial being?" Bruce mumbled. He walked over to Peter. "Peter, can you ask the voice how he got into you?"
"That girl was my vessel, then I saw you and decided that you would be more useful to me." Venom answered carelessly. Peter told them what he said. "Also, can you stop calling me a 'voice'? My name is Venom!"
"And he would prefer to be referred to as Venom." Peter sighed.
"Venom, huh? Is he some sort of parasite?" Tony asked lazily. Venom took temporary control of Peter.
"PARASITE?!" He yelled. He was about to go off before Peter reclaimed control.
"Am I crazy? His face changed..." Steve breathed out. "What the actual fuck is wrong with him?"
"Venom wants you to apologize." Peter told Tony. Tony mumbled an apology.
"I'll do everything I can to fix this." Bruce stated firmly. "I'll make sure to tell you if I figure something out. For now, you'll just have to live with it."
"Great." Peter mumbled sarcastically.
So I was re-reading everything a realized that
A) My writing style sucks
B) I am not funny :/