"Howdy! You know the drill!" Wade shrugged.
Who is your least favourite Avenger?
"Be sure to answer before the next episode and blah blah blah." Wade sighed. "First question is for Joshua."
How do you feel about playing the villain, again? Were you recast or were you just always the first choice?
"First of all, my name is Benjamin." He said matter of factly. "Okay, so, playing the villain is a lot more fun than you'd expect." Ben chuckled. "I was honestly really excited when I found out we were doing a sequel to Replaced. It's funny because Peter and I are actually good friends." Benjamin chuckled.
"Ben is a big teddy bear." Peter shrugged.
"If you're talking about if I was recast for Reclaimed, than nope. I was the first choice because you can't have a sequel to Replaced without me." He shrugged. "When I was auditioning for Replaced, I'm pretty sure I was only picked because I had the same name as a guy the author doesn't like."
"You did great so she picked correctly." Wade gave him a thumbs up. "Next question is from Y33TLavenYT!"
Can I stab the fourth wall?
"Please don't." Darius asked quietly.
"Next question is for Dominic from Matieski!" Wade announced.
*leans in real close* hurt Susie and you'll be so fucking dead that reincarnation will shiver at the thought of you. *leans out* Kay?
"Neeeeext question is for all couples from WD_Crystal~!" Wade smiled.
Who gets flustered the easiest and from what?
"Wanda, 100%." Vision smirked. "It's usually something sex related."
"Bucky." Steve smiled fondly. "And probably when I unexpectedly kiss him." Bucky huffed.
"Wade." Peter laughed. "Suprising, I know. All I have to do is peck his nose and he'll stop functioning."
"Strange." Tony hummed. "Neck tingz." Peter choked on thin air.
"Next question is for--" Wade was cut off as Peter pecked his nose. He turned bright red and began stammering.
"See?" Peter gestured to Wade. "Okay, next question...this isn't really a question...well it's for Darius from mysteriousfangirl567!"
WE LOVE YOU ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
"You guys..." Darius smiled widely and wiped away some happy tears. "Thank you."
Peter looked back at Wade, who still hadn't shaken out of his stupor. He sighed and shoved Wade gently.
Wade immediately blinked snapped back. "O-Oh, sorry." He mumbled, embarrassed. "Um, next question is for Peter and I from This_MARVELous_world."
Where and when was your first kiss?
Wade's face exploded in color.
"Wade? Are you okay?" Peter asked while they were hanging out in the tower. "You've been out of it all day. Is something wrong?"