"Hi...it's been awhile..." Wade waved awkwardly. "Welcome to Wade's Question Corner...as always the first question is for you."
What is your least favorite oneshot in this book? (don't worry I won't get offended)
"Be sure to answer before the next episode." Wade chuckled nervously. "Okay, uh, next question is for Min from Matieski!"
How tall are you motherfucker?
"First of all, I have never fucked any mothers." Min stated. "And second of all, I'm 5'5 or 165 cm."
"Min." Susie shook her head.
"UGH! Fine, without my heels on, I stand at 5'3 or 160 cm." She frowned. "But I was STILL tall enough for the mayhem that is roller coasters."
"Next question is for Peter and I from EmilySpurrier8." Wade looked at his notecards lazily.
Has anyone ever walked in while you were doing........it? (or something similar)
"What do you mean by i--oh." Peter turned red.
"Yes, actually." Wade chuckled. "A few months back. Clint walked in on us."
"They have hot sex." Clint snickered.
"Are you telling me that Clint knew about your relationship before I did?" Tony put a hand on his hip.
"Not only did he know about it, he witnessed their intercourse." Strange guffawed loudly at Tony's horrified expression.
"We didn't notice him until he cleared his throat loudly and wiggled his eyebrows at us." Peter mumbled.
"Ew, you watched child porn!" Natasha cringed.
"I didn't mean to!" Clint defended himself. "It took a whole 20 seconds to process what I was witnessing!"
"Okay, moving on from this awkward topic, next question is for Darius from Matieski." Wade fumbled with the button to activate the screen for a bit.
Heckin heck? Heck heck dude.
"I...wha...huh???" Darius tilted his head. "Uh...heck...?"
"Heck heck heck." Wade nodded. "Anyways, next question is for...the author...? Okay then, for the author from ChuuyaDoubleBlack."
How are you doing?
(👉😎👉 feelin' good mi amigo~)
"I'm going to assume she answered just now." Wade said after a bit of silence. "Uh, next question is for Peter from JuciyGucciBoi."
What do MJ and Ned think of Wade?
"Oh my god." Peter chuckled. "Ned is so protective of me. He doesn't trust Wade and is willing to fight him for my honor."
"He's a scary guy." Wade shivered.
"MJ likes him...I think." Peter shrugged.
"Next question is for everyone from introverted-geek!"
What is your worst moment?
"Oh...I don't want to talk about that..." Wade looked down.
"When I got hit by that train and ended up in prison." Peter chuckled awkwardly at Tony's horrified expression.