They ran out of the subway station. Ned was still trying to catch his breath when MJ grabbed him and Chase and began running in the direction of Stark Tower.
"We can't run there!" Chase yelled. "We'll tire ourselves out before we even get close!"
"What other choice do we have?!" MJ replied.
"A fucking taxi!" Ned chimed in. MJ abruptly stopped running, making the other two go flying ahead.
They both landed on their faces. They looked back at MJ, who looked like she had discovered the secrets of the universe. "How did I not think of that?" She searched her pockets. "Fuck, I must've left my wallet in my backpack...which is at your place." She groaned.
"I only have ten bucks." Chase shook his head, looking through his wallet. He looked back at MJ and Ned. "I have a feeling that won't be enough for a trip to Stark Tower."
"You're lucky I have an $100 bill on me." Ned smirked smugly.
"What kind of lunatic carries around $100?" MJ asked, quirking up a brow. Ned rolled his eyes.
They hailed a taxi, and quickly climbed in. "Where to?" The driver asked.
"Stark Tower!" Chase rushed out.
"You're the boss, Ross." The driver nodded and started the car. "So, why are you heading to the tower?"
"Our friend lives there." Ned responded. "He's Mr. Stark's so--personal intern." He cleared his throat.
The driver gave a low whistle. "Damn, the kid's lucky." He chuckled. "What's his name?"
"None of your business." MJ scoffed.
"Yeesh, no need to be rude." The driver snorted.
Harrison silently watched Joshua sip his cranberry juice, a content smile on his face. "I have the mechanics you requested." Harrison stated.
"Excellent!" Joshua clapped. He seemed to be in a good mood. "Tell them to start working on the project we discussed!"
"Project U?" Harrison asked.
Joshua sighed. "No, Harrison. Project Rainbow. Of course Project U!" He huffed.
"I was just making sure." Harrison nodded. "I'll get right on that." Harrison walked out, leaving Joshua by himself.
"...where...?" Bucky mumbled, looking around.
He was surrounded by black. It was so silent, he could hear his heartbeat. He couldn't even see his own hands.
"Guys?" He called into the darkness. "Hello? Anyone out there?"
He heard something behind him. He immediately tensed up. "If this is a prank, it isn't funny."
He could feel someone breathing down his neck. "Guys?!" Bucky asked. He turned around and screamed.
It was him. Bucky Barnes, metal arm and all. Suddenly, the rest of his surroundings began flooding into his vision.
He was in a cell, his doppelganger was strapped to a chair. "This is one of the cells in the tower..."
It all came flooding back at an alarming speed. He cried out, reaching for his head.
He looked to his left, and saw Steve. He was looking right at Bucky's doppelganger.
Steve laughed. "Barnes? You've finally woken up, huh?" Steve smirked.
"You're not Steve." Bucky sighed, looking down. Steve laughed again.
"Wow, astute observation." Steve smirked. Bucky shot his head to him.
"You can--?"
"Hear you? Yup. I can see you too." Steve shrugged. "I guess it's a side affect of being in a body that isn't my own."
"...Buck...?" A gentle voice asked. Bucky shot his head to the corner of Steve's cell.
The real Steve was stood there, he was almost transparent, looking like a ghost.
Bucky looked down at his hands, only now noticing that he looked the same. "Steve!" He exclaimed.
"I can't believe we're doing this shit again." Steve sighed. Bucky sighed.
They had been in this state once before. When Joshua had first invaded their minds.
Bucky didn't think it was possible to startle Tony Stark, but the billionaire had had multiple panic attacks whilst in this state.
"Yeah yeah, reunited at last." Joshua rolled his eyes. "They're planning to put you in a medical coma, you're body refuses to eat." Joshua told Bucky.
"Go fuck yourself." Bucky spat.
"Language." Steve said reflexively. Bucky nearly cried.
"God, I missed you so much." Bucky sighed. Steve chuckled sadly, crossing his arms.
"You've been out for about a day now." Joshua told Bucky. "Your body is suffering."
Bucky turned around and saw how skinny his body had become. It was kinda funny to see a buff metal arm attached to a skinny, malnourished man.
"That'll be $83.60." The driver told them.
Ned's eyes widened at the price but he obeyed and handed the driver his $100 bill. "Keep the change." He grumbled.
The driver flashed them a smile. They got out of the car and ran into the building. The secretary looked up, recognizing them. "Oh, hey." She waved. "Wait, you guys aren't supposed to be here."
"We need to see Peter! It's an emergency!" MJ yelled. The secretary pursued her lips, but let them go into the elevator.
"Pete!" Ned yelled rushing into the common room.
Peter and The Avengers looked turned towards them. "What the fuck? Are we just letting people in now?" Tony asked Friday.
"Joshua attacked us!" MJ exclaimed. Chase's eyes widened.
"That was Joshua?!" He asked.
"What?!" Peter said, standing up. "Ate you okay? Are you hurt?"
"We're fine." Ned reassured him.
"That fucker's going for Pete's friends now?" Clint asked.
"Looks like it." Natasha frowned.
"You can stay here until it's safe." Tony told them. Peter nodded.
"You can sleep in my room!" He exclaimed. "You can tell your parents you have field trip or something."
"He's dead when we find him." Vision growled.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks~
Avery: Now that I think about it, Tae IS pretty cute.
Min: Excuse me?
Avery: I mean look at him! He's tall, nice, and has the cutest little face!
Min: ...
Avery: What's with the angry look?
Min: What? Angry? I'm not--
Min: Was that just to try and make me jealous?
Avery: Mmhmm~!

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.