I just wanted to write Spideypool fluff because people have been abandoning it.
Things to know: They already know each other's identity, but are both pining :)
Bit of backstory: They were teamed up by the Avengers, and were told each other's identities at the very beginning.
It's been a few months since then, and neither can come to terms with the fact that they have a tiny crush.
Peter = 17
Wade = 18
Wade's face isn't [smash]
Wade and Peter were sitting on top of a building, patrol had been pretty uneventful so they decided to take a small break until they hear of a crime. Well, it was more so Wade convincing Peter to stop for a second.
Wade looked over to Peter, who was looking down at the street intensely. Wade could almost see his chocolate brown eyes scanning the concrete for any signs of criminal activity.
"Y'know, the point of a break is to relax." Wade hummed, looking at the sky.
"I can't 'relax' when there are still people to save." Peter mumbled. "I can't rest knowing that there are people who needed my help and I wasn't there to give it."
"The police have doubled their forces, they're trying to show you up." Wade said absentmindedly. "Prove they aren't relying on you."
"So let's go." Wade looked over to him.
"Go? Go where?" Peter asked incredulously.
"On a vacation." Wade smiled, and somehow Peter could see it through the mask. "There's been a serious lack of crime, because the police have been stopping it before you're called."
"But still what if--"
"You need to relax." Wade sighed. "You haven't taken a proper break in years. It can be just a day if you want, just a single day."
"I...I don't know. What if a supervillain shows up?" Peter murmured. "You know my luck. What if something horrible happens on the one day I want to rest."
"Peter, I will track down every single criminal and put them in jail if it puts your mind at ease." Wade grabbed Peter's hand and rubbed it gently. "I just want you to be happy."
Peter blushed, and was really thankful that Wade couldn't see it. "Are you sure the police can handle it?"
"I'm almost positive." Wade told him quietly. "I hate to see you so stressed. If you won't do it for yourself, at least do it for me."
"...where would we even go?" Peter asked.
"Anywhere you want! I'd go anywhere with you." Wade hummed, pulling his hand away. Peter frowned at that but didn't say anything.
"You're so reckless, it's irritating." Peter huffed. "Don't you have a family waiting for you?"
"I..." Wade frowned slightly. "I may be reckless, but at least I'm passionate." Wade said at last, completely avoiding the question.
Peter noticed but didn't comment. "I just think I want to stay at home, get to know you a but better."
"Me? I thought this vacation was about you, Peter?" Wade tilted his head.
"Well, if we're going to be partners, we should learn more about each other." Peter huffed. Wade rolled his eyes.
"Working until the very end, huh?" He sighed. "Fine, we should meet up at Central Park, tomorrow at 3." He glanced at Peter, and Pete could almost see his beautiful eyes through the mask. "And I better not hear of you working before then."
"How are you going to make sure I don't work?" Peter asked.
"I'll ask MJ to keep tabs on you." Wade shrugged. "I just want you to relax, okay?"
Peter walked through the park. It felt weird meeting up with Wade like this in their civilian forms.
"Hey! Peter!" Peter heard from a distance. He looked over and saw Wade waving towards him.
His blonde hair was glistening in the sun, perfectly framing his strong jawline and beautifully blue eyes.
In other words, he looked radiant.
Wade was in casual clothing, but somehow Peter still felt underdressed.
He quickly jogged over.
"Hey Wade." Peter said once he arrived. "So, what are your plans?"
"My plans? This day is all about you." Wade smiled brightly, revealing his dimples.
God, Peter felt like he was going to faint.
"What the hell Peter? You're not into guys, stop it!" He hissed.
"What was that?" Wade asked innocently.
"Oh! Nothing. Just talking to myself." Peter waved him off, cheeks slightly pink.
Wade looked over Peter.
His lips, which were super plump for a boy, were fixed into a nervous smile. His brown hair was perfectly placed on top of his adorable little face, with those cute puppy dog eyes Wade couldn't get enough of.
Your pan is showing, Wade.
"Shut up." Wade mumbled. Peter rose a brow.
"I didn't say anything?" He tilted his head.
"I..." Wade found himself not being able to finish that sentence.
He what? He wasn't talking to him? Who else would he be talking to?
Then that would lead to Peter asking who he WAS talking to and then Wade would have to say himself.
He could picture the reaction that would receive.
"You...were talking to yourself? What are you? Some kind of psychopath? You're a real weirdo, Wade. I'm just going to go, you weird me out. Don't call me, freak."
And Wade couldn't bear the thought of that happening.
"Wade?" Peter asked, making Wade incredibly aware of how he hadn't answered Peter. "Are you feeling okay? We can do this on another day if you're not feeling good."
Wade sighed. Peter was always so considerate.
Now why would you think someone like that would ever love you?
Yeah, Yellow was right. What made him think that?
"N-No, I'm fine. Sorry I just got lost in thought." Wade told him, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, well don't do it again! You had me worried for a second!" Peter pouted in a way that made Wade's heart race. He was just so cute.
"Well, we have a whole day to ourselves, so let's make the most of it." Wade smiled.
And so the best day of Peter's life began.
It is 3:33 A.M. Sunday December 29th 2019
Just asking, what series would you like to see updated soon?

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.