Istg this is getting kinda long. If we end up having another Replaced situation I'm gonna sue--
Peter woke up on the floor of his cell. He felt awful to say the least. He felt hot and dizzy and wanted to puke but didn't have the urge. He groaned and rolled onto his back, breathing heavily. He passed out a few moments later.
The next time he woke up, Lee was in the room. He was staring down at Peter, no discernible expression on his face. Peter felt worse than last time. He was sweating profusely and the world wouldn't stop spinning. He could feel the way the vomit rose up his throat. "Hmm, this is taking awhile." Lee noted, though Peter barely heard him before he was unco again.
Peter felt peculiar the next time he woke up. He still felt like a raging dumpster fire, but this time, he had the feeling something was wrong. Well, more wrong than a mystery substance flowing through his veins and making him sick.
He felt as if he were forgetting something. He instantly knew he needed to get out of here. "K-Karen." He whispered, wondering why he hadn't thought of this before.
"Hello Peter, you seem to be malnourished and dehydrated. There is a small penetratetion in your arm." Karen examined. "Would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?"
"Yes." He nodded weakly as he began shivering, even though he felt hotter than a piece of coal that had been on the sun. "Please."
"Currently giving Mr. Stark your location. Would you like me to call him?" Karen asked.
"Yes, please." He whispered. In a few moments, Tony's voice could be heard.
"Kid?!" Tony asked. "Where are you?! You've been missing for three months!" He sounded tired, his words were slurring, but not as much as a drunk man.
"K-Karen is sending the l-location." Peter felt exhausted already. He heard a quick intake of breath from Tony.
"Jesus kid, I just got your diagnosis." Tony mumbled. "Besides the malnourishment, you have bruises practically everywhere." Tony sighed. "I promise kid, I'll return you to Avengers Tower soon."
"I'm sorry, what tower?" Peter asked, confused.
"Avengers Tower...?"
"What is an 'Avenger'?" Peter asked. "Nevermind, how is everyone? Nat? Clint?"
"They're fine, working their tail off to try and find you though." Tony said.
Peter picked up movement behind the door. "He's coming back, I have to go Mr. Stark." Peter said quickly.
"Wait, what? Who's coming--"
"Call ended." Karen announced just as Lee walked into the cell.
"Oh, you're awake today." He said blankly. Peter winked at him, which in itself took away about 48% of the energy he had left. It sure was a waste since his mask was on and Lee couldn't see the wink anyways.
"Yep, couldn't escape my seductive voice for long." Peter weakly said. Lee examined him.
"You've been asleep for four days. Judging by how tired you are, I'll say you'll be asleep tomorrow as well." Lee shrugged. "Your immune system is putting up quite a fight."
"It's strong, like me." Peter mumbled, about to drift off. Lee walked out and the door shut with a slam. Peter went limp as his eyes fluttered shut.
Peter woke up in mild confusion. He still felt awful, no surprise there, but this time the feeling he was forgetting something was even stronger.
He remembered sending Mr. Stark his location, his mentor should be here any minute. How long had it been anyways? Weeks? Days? Hours? Maybe a few minutes?
A man dressed like the American flag burst into the room. Peter screamed with the little energy he had and backed away. "Wh-Who are you?!" He asked. The man looked relieved when he saw him, but that quickly morphed to confusion.
"Peter? It's me! Uncle Steve?" The man tried. Peter backed away even further. Peter felt his last bit of energy fade as he passed out once more.
"What's wrong with him?!"
"I don't know, there's something in his bloodstream. His body is trying to fight it."
"You can fix him, right? Tell me you can fix him, Bruce!"
"I-I'll do my best."
He woke up in a white room. His whole body ached as he tried to move. Where was he? He looked to his left and saw a man asleep and strapped to a bed. He looked to his right and saw another man with a strange light in his chest sleeping on the chair next to him.
He adjusted himself, making the man next to him jolt and wake up. The man looked confused, before his eyes lit up upon seeing him. "Peter!" Before he could protest the man had wrapped him in a hug. "Oh my god! I thought you were dead! Friday, tell the other's Peter is awake!"
In a few moments, a bunch of men and two women came running in. All were looking happier than a kid on Christmas day. He was embraced more times than he could count.
"Peter! You had us all worried sick!" The man with the blonde hair and stoic expression said. His face was relieved. He ruffled his hair.
"How about as a celebration of you surviving..." The man with the hearing aids said. "...we play a game of Mario Kart?"
"You just want to play, Clint." The woman with the red hair rolled her eyes as everyone laughed. "How are you doing, Peter?"
He stared at them, as they all looked at him expectantly. "Who's Peter?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
This was written in 2 days and hasn't been proof read! Hooray!
Darius: What's wrong, Susie?
Susie: Well...the author is thinking of getting rid of these after oneshot things because she's getting the feeling no one is reading the actual chapter...
Darius: Oh dear, that's a problem.
Susie: Yeah...she said that if she decides she is going to do that, that we'll still have "The Staff Adventures" chapters to show up in.
Darius: Well, we'll have to wait and see I suppose.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.