Replaced (Part 5)

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This is early because I really felt inspired for once.

Peter was at alone in his home, staring blankly at the wall. In just a few days he had lost everything he held dearly. He blamed Joshua. There was no point in denying it. He blamed Joshua for everything. In his not so stable state of mind he imagined himself strangling Joshua, watching the life leave his eyes. He always felt bad afterwards though. He doesn't think he has the courage to perform such an act, plus it went against everything he stood for.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Peter's dull eyes shifted towards it. He slowly got up and opened it.

He was knocked back by the kick from whoever was standing on the other side. Peter looked up and his eyes widened at who was stood there.

"Did you miss me, spider?"


Clint had been watching Joshua for a few days now. Unfortunately, nothing was out of the ordinary. At least that's what he thought until he overheard a conversation between Joshua and Steve from the vents. He saw the whole thing, and boy did he not like it. He planned to confront Joshua next time he saw him.

Little did he know, that 'Joshua' was aware of Clint's presence.

Clint was sitting at the dinner table, when Joshua stood up and asked if they could have a little chat. He led Clint to a hallway. "You saw something you shouldn't have, Hawkeye."

Clint instantly closed his eyes. "I've been mind controlled once! I'm not doing that again!" Joshua chuckled.

"I figured you'd be that way."

Clint gasped as he felt a burning hot pain in his chest. He looked down and saw Joshua digging a knife into it. Clint fell to his knees. "Y'know, this is usually the part where I go on a monologue about what my plan was." Joshua twirled the bloody knife in his hands. He glanced at Clint and smirked. "But you don't have enough time for that."

"Y-You son of a bitch." Clint grunted in pain, holding his wound. "Y-You won't g-get away with this."

"Oh but I think I will. 'Mr. Stark! Someone snuck into the tower and attacked Uncle Clint!'" Joshua fake gasped. "How tragic, what a way to go." He kicked Clint in the chest. Clint toppled over, breathing heavily. Joshua dropped the knife, pulling off the see through gloves he had been wearing. "Bye bye~" Joshua giggled maniacally and walked away.

Clint's vision went dark as he heard Joshua say his lie to the team.


Happy, Pepper, and Rhodey were sat in Pepper's apartment. "Obviously somethings wrong with Tony." Happy stated, crossing his arms.

"Joshua must have done something to him." Rhodey growled sipping on some water that Pepper provided.

"That kid only brings problems." Pepper said. "Did you hear the news, Peter's aunt is dead."

"What?" Happy's eyes widened. "May is gone?"

"Car crash." Rhodey sipped his water, a sad look on his face. "Knowing Peter he'll want to be alone, we should give him time to grieve."

"Agreed. Back to the matter at hand." Pepper sighed. "Obviously, something's up. Tony isn't just nice to random kids."

"Joshua seemed like an ordinary kid when I met him. Nothing particularly special about him. But, there was this weird...darkness surrounding him." Rhodey shivered. "Not physical darkness but his presence felt evil."

"You met him?" Pepper asked.

"Didn't have a choice." Rhodey shrugged. "Tony kinda forced me to. The kid kept glaring at me. It was kinda intimidating to be honest."

"He's obviously not normal then." Happy spoke up, still saddened by May's demise. "In a world full of wizards and superheroes, I'm beginning to doubt if anything is normal."

"Stark is smart, he wouldn't allow himself to be manipulated so easily. The kid must have done something." Rhodey furrowed his brow. "But the question is what."


MJ and Ned were concerned. After school Peter bad locked himself in his house. They figured they should give him time to grieve, the poor boy had lost so much in so little time. What were they doing right now, you ask? They were looking at every Joshua in the system. They hacked into Stark Industries, figuring Joshua was listed there. They were correct. His full name, apparently, was Joshua Mohr.

There were no records of a Joshua Mohr existing in New York. "Not even one?!" Ned exclaimed, suprised. "Either he's really good at staying away from the public--"

"--or he's using a fake name!" MJ finished for Ned. "I knew something was up!"

"We have to tell Peter!" Ned exclaimed, standing up.

And they were off.


Nick Fury had been keeping an eye on the tower through the cameras. He knew of everything that had went down. Sometimes, maybe he was imagining it, Joshua would look directly at the cameras and smile a wicked, twisted smile.

Today, he was not watching however. He was looking into a different subject. Spiderman.

The arachnied themed hero had been MIA for a few days. In those few days crime rates have gone up drastically.

Hell, even Jonah Jameson was asking for him to come back.

He knew Peter Parker was going through tough times, but New York needs him.

Call him insensitive but he would rather watch Peter throwing baddies in jail then being an emo little shit in his room.


The ending is kinda abrupt but meh.


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