Got bored again so this is coming soon ^^^^^
This was requested by a lot of peeps so...
Peter woke up in a messy version of his room. "What the...?" Peter mumbled. "Friday, who messed up my room?" Peter asked. He was stunned when he got silence in response. "Uh, Friday...?" He knocked on the walls a couple of times. "Well that's weird." Peter muttered, stumped.
Peter got dressed and walked out his door. He stumbled back in shock when he wasn't met with the cool hallway of Stark Tower. "PETER!" Peter jumped. "GET YOUR ASS TO SCHOOL! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE, AGAIN!"
"A-Aunt May?!" Peter mumbled, tearing up slightly. May had died last year, so his shock was justifiable. The words she said registered and he quickly found his backpack and rushed out of the house.
Peter made his way into Midtown, he had obviously figured out something was wrong. Maybe Mr. Stark knew what was going on? He was probably still a scientist, right?
He arrived but was confused when instead of Midtown, the sign read 'Lowtown'. Peter tilted his head in confusion.
He shook his head and walked in anyways. The hallways were bustling with life. He quickly spotted Ned and ran to his best friend. "Ned!" Ned turned around and a look of disgust instantly overtook his face when he spotted Peter.
"What do you want?" Ned glared at him. Peter stumbled back in shock at how hostile he was. "If you're here to make fun of me again, you can save it."
"Wh-What?" Peter asked. "I-I would never--I didn't--"
"Is this asshole bothering you again?" Peter heard a voice he never expected to hear again ask.
"L-Liz?!" Peter practically yelled. "I-I thought you moved away--what about the Vulture incident?"
"Vulture incid--what are you talking about?" Liz asked, crossing her arms. "I never moved away, did you bump your head trying to lift weights again?" She asked sarcastically. Peter tilted his head in confusion. She was acting kinda like...
Peter gasped. "Um, wh-where are we right now?" Peter asked cautiously. Liz tilted her head.
"Kings, Old York." She humored him. "Why is this important?"
Peter staggered back in shock. "I-I--"
"You what?" Liz rose an eyebrow. Ned crossed his arms, still glaring at Peter.
"Hey guys!" A distant voice called. Ned brightened and looked towards the source. Liz maintained her bored expression, but her eyes lit up slightly. Peter instinctively paled at the sound of the voice. He had trained himself to fear that voice. He slowly looked over and saw Flash in a....sweater vest? His smile dissipated when he caught sight of Peter.
"F-Flash?" Peter breathed out, shocked and pale. Flash noticed this and his expression turned to confusion.
"Are you okay?" Flash asked. "Also, you called me by my name for once?" Peter didn't respond, still processing what was going on. Flash's confusion turned to concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" Flash reached to place a hand on Peter's shoulder, but stopped when Peter instinctively flinched.
"I-I'm not supposed to be here." Peter mumbled to himself, but Flash heard it with his now advanced hearing. Flash glanced at Ned and Liz, who shrugged.
"Do you need to go to the nurse?" Flash asked gently. Peter's eyes shot to Flash.
"I need to talk to you." He said quickly. Flash nodded slowly and led them both to the bathroom.
"What's up?" Flash asked, suspicious.
"How do I word this?" Peter mumbled. "I, I know I'm from a different universe?" Peter stammered. "And everything is switched here, so I figured since you must act like would have an idea of what to do?" Peter asked. "Since this is, like, your home turf y'know?"
Flash stared at him, before bursting into laughter. "I'm sorry but do you really expect me to believe that?!" Flash asked between fits of laughter. "That's preposterous!"
"Okay, fine, uh Spiderman?" Peter tried.
"Spiderman? What is that? A bug spray?" Flash rose an eyebrow.
"So Spiderman isn't his name here, great." Peter mumbled. "Whatever the local superhero is--"
"Agent Venom?" Flash tilted his head. That was odd, Peter was one of Agent Venom's biggest fans.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Peter waved him off. "You're him, right?" Flash's jaw dropped.
"Wh-What gave you that idea?" Flash looked away.
"Oh, don't even try that on me." Peter shook his head. "Since you and I are switched in this universe, you're the superhero now, not me." Peter mumbled. Peter suddenly realized something and took off his backpack, digging around in it. When he didn't find what he was looking for, he looked back at the confused Flash. "It seems that your Peter and me have switched bodies somehow. I bet it was Loki." Peter rolled his eyes.
"Loki? That one Avenger? God of Thunder?" Flash asked. Peter looked at him. Peter got an idea.
"The Avengers! You're a genius!"
"" Flash tilted his head.
"All I need to do is find Uncle Thor and see if he can take me back!"
"He's probably back on Asgard." Flash commented, causing Peter to curse.
"My next best bet is Mr. Stark." Peter mumbled, Flash visibly flinched at the name.
"Hey, I don't think--" Suddenly the bell rang.
"We're gonna be late! See you later Flash!" Peter waved and ran out of the bathroom.
Flash watched him run out. "This should end well." He mumbled, recalling the boat crash and his fight with Iron Man.
Great, this is a series now. Hope you're happy.
Susie: Hey Darius! Did you accept anyone else!
Darius: Yup! Immature_Potatoe submitted Richard and he's our next applicant that's been accepted.
Susie: That's great! You'll finally be making friends other than me!
Darius: you not like hanging out with me...? I was being clingy wasn't I? Oh man, way to go Darius you've done it again--
Susie: Okay, wow. Calm down. I was just saying, I thought you'd gotten bored of hanging out with me.
Darius: B-But I could never get bored when I'm with you! I-I mean--
Susie: You're so sweet Darius!
Darius: *blushes* Th-Thank you...