"So what's the plan?" Miles asked Parker.
Parker thought for a second, rubbing his chin.
Miles copied this action, making Peter snort.
"Got it." He said. "Peter will crawl in through the vents, he'll hack the super high tech stuff, run with it, grab three bagels, and we're out."
"Why do I have to do it?" Peter asked.
"You're lighter, you'll make less noise." Parker shrugged.
"So you're saying you're too fat to fit into the vent?" Peter asked. Parker twitched.
"Change of plans." Parker said. "All of us are going."
"Yes!" Miles pumped a fist in the air.
"Want someone in the front and back go push you in case you get stuck, huh? Smart move." Peter nodded.
"Yeah, okay, we have to be super silent now because we're doing a stealth mission, remember?" Parker told Peter. Peter snorted, before all three of them swung to the building.
Once they had all made it to the air vents, they began crawling as silently as they could.
They overheard a conversation briefly as they passed, before they were right above an office.
Peter, who was in the front, quietly opened the vent and jumped down as quietly as he could. Parker followed suit.
Peter rushed to the computer and began working on cracking the password.
Parker stood by the door in case anyone came in. He then noticed something. "Where's Miles?" He asked Peter, who shrugged.
"Up here." They both turned their attention to Miles, who was stuck on the ceiling light. "My hands are stuck."
He then tried to shake his hand off, causing the whole light to start shaking. "Stop!" Peter harshly whispered.
Miles, who noticed it wasn't working, started shaking harder, causing the light to flail around wildly while both Parker and Peter were waving their arms around in an attempt to signal him to stop.
"Just relax! What do you do to relax?!" Parker exclaimed quietly.
It was silent for a moment, before Miles started humming.
"Is he serious?" Parker asked Peter.
One by one, each of Miles fingers became unstuck as he went crashing to the ground.
Both of the Peters looked away, but when they looked back he was gone.
"Teenagers, just the worst. Miles, where did you go?" Parker asked, looking around.
"I'm right here." Miles voice was heard.
"Where? I can't see you. Can you see him?" He asked, turning to Peter, who shook his head.
"I'm right in front of you." Miles said. "Can Spiderman turn invisible?"
"Not in my universe." Parker mumbled, looking at the spot he believed Miles to be in. He rose up a finger, and poked the space in front of him.
"Aah! You just poked me in the eye!" Miles exclaimed, turning back to normal.
"This is incredible. Some kind of fight or flight thing." Parker observed in quiet awe.
"What's that?" Miles asked.
Suddenly, they heard a noise outside.
Miles turned invisible again.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.