(Slimegirl7744 and SophieHodges5 good work soldiers. Also, have fun being forever associated to this chapter by me.)How did Peter get into this mess? He wasn't sure.
One minute he was doing his nightly rounds, the next he was knocked out. He groaned as his consciousness returned to him, the first thing he feels is a dull pain in the back of his head. He cracked an eye open to see he was in a dark room, the only source of light being the small hole in the door. The door, which was probably locked, was made of metal. As the rest of his senses returned to him, he found that he was strapped to a chair. He tried to break the restraints but found them to be vibranium. How lucky. He looked around the room, his eyes trying to focus on every detail. As he looked closer he could see dried blood on the walls, a large piece of the smooth brick wall looked like something had been slammed into it.
He could feel something around his mouth. He rolled his eyes, was this really necessary? His advanced hearing picked up some movement behind the large door. He lowered his head and pretended to still be unconscious. Who knew what they would spill if they thought he was knocked out?
The large, metal door freaked open. The shrill sound hurting Peter's ears a little. Someone's footsteps were drawing near, the sound resonating throughout the room. The person was whistling an unfamiliar tune, a haunting melody. All of a sudden, cold water was poured down on Peter, making him jolt and sit up. He looked up to see a man standing in front of him, holding an empty bucket. He was still whistling the tune, his eyes shut in peacefulness. His eyes flew open and met with Peter's.
As the soft brown eyes met the cold green ones, Peter felt a shiver run down his spine. Thankfully it wasn't noticeable, since the cold water was already making him shiver. It was at this moment that Peter realized that his mask was gone, so this man could see his face.
The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a taser, the whistling never stopping. Peter's eyes widened as he realized what he was going to do. Peter was soaking wet. Water and electricity don't mix. Was he trying to kill him? The man drew near and ripped the tape off Peter's face. Peter spat in his face.
The man halted his whistling, wiped off Peter's saliva, and then continued whilst shocking Peter with the taser. Peter screamed as his body convulsed. Even after the taser was pulled out he was still convulsing. By the time Peter stopped, he was barely awake. He was still twitching as the man walked out of the room. The tune being the last thing Peter heard before falling into unconsciousness.
Peter woke to the cold water being dumped on him again. The man was whistling the same melody again. There was no tape around his mouth this time so he could talk. "So, what's your name?" Peter asked the whistling man. "I'm pretty sure you already did a background check on me so I'm not gonna tell you mine."
The man stopped whistling. "My name is Subject L-33. Otherwise known as Lee." He responded in a flat tone. "You may refer to me as Lee."
"Creepy..." Peter mumbled to himself. Lee continued whistling. "Question. Where am I?"
"You are at holding sight 44 in cell 6." Lee responded before continuing to whistle. Peter was again creeped out by this response.
"May I ask why?"
"Permission denied."
"Well shit." Peter rolled his eyes. "So, uh, why did you shock me earlier? That didn't feel very good."
"I have been instructed to shock you if you show any signs of aggresion." Lee replied in a dead tone.
"But I wasn't showing any?"
"I wanted to make sure the taser worked."
"You didn't test it?" Peter asked. "That's fucking stupid. I could've died, you psycho!"
"You are not dead, therefore there was no risk." Lee gave Peter a smile that looked awfully forced. Peter gave him a sarcastic look.
"That's not how it works sweetie." Peter said through gritted teeth. "So, what do you want? Money? Power? Control?"
"We want you." Lee told him. "We have placed this bet. We need you to win it."
"Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You kidnapped me, almost killed me, and are now holding me hostage because of a bet?" Peter rolled his eyes. "Kids these days..."
Lee tilted his head. "But I am older than you--"
"What was the bet you placed anyway? How long you'll be able to gaze at my sexiness?" Peter winked. Lee stared at him blankly and walked out of the room.
Lee walked into the room just as Peter finished humming his theme song. "Ah, Lee! My main man!"
"It is time." Lee told him. Peter tilted his head curiously. He was kinda scared but kinda excited to find out what the her was. What can he say? He's a sucker for surprises. Peter would have fought Lee the second he released him from the restraints, but figured it was a bad idea, since he already figured out that they had stripped him of his web shooters.
Lee roughly grabbed his arm. "Woah there! At least take me on a date first!" Peter joked. Lee ignored this statement and dragged him to a door. Lee opened the door and threw him into the room.
A crowd was cheering around him and Peter paled as he realized what was happening.
Peter was in an arena.
Where have I been? I've been having mental breakdowns! Don't you just love it when the suicidal thoughts come out to play?

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.