Peter felt annoyed.
He had been in hiding ever since his identity was revealed to the public. The whole world had turned against him like a light switch.
He wondered how Ned was doing. He hadn't had time to say goodbye in his haste to get away. He probably felt bad for Peter.
Flash was probably in denial. Refusing to accept that Puny Penis Parker was Spiderman. The same Spiderman who Flash had idolized all this time.
He missed MJ. He missed everything about her. Her eyes, her hair, her skin, her smile. God, how he wished he could see her again.
He had been on the move for a long time, the police had been after him ever since the news of his 'murder' was revealed.
God, he wished Mysterio was still alive so he could actually kill him.
Maybe that was a bit extreme, actually. Peter didn't want actual blood on his hands.
Peter felt outraged, and rightfully so. The public hadn't even given him a chance to explain before he was being chased off the streets.
Right now, he was walking down the streets, a hoodie placed in such a way that it obscured his face from everyone who passed.
He probably looked shady, he didn't care.
Suddenly, a large boom caught his attention.
Peter whirled around, looking for the source. His hoodie had been knocked off in the process, but he barely noticed.
A man had violently emerged from the building. Which in itself would be impressive if Peter hadn't noticed the large mechanical arms strapped to his back.
Wait, they weren't strapped. They seemed to be...part of him.
The octopus man had someone tightly held in one of his arms. A low laugh emerged from his mouth. "Oh, isn't this a treat? For once, father, I am the one beating you."
"Otto!" The man in his arms screamed. "Stop this at once!"
The octodude just chuckled darkly, and squeezed tightly.
He had exploded like a gusher.
And Peter felt strangely calm about this.
Now don't get him wrong, it was disgusting and must've sucked for that guy. But for the first time in his life, Peter didn't feel an ounce of sympathy.
Was something wrong with him?
After flicking off the remains of his father, Otto turned towards the crowd watching in horror. "Now, people of New York, I am Doctor Otto Octavius, direct me to Peter Parker."
Of course the scary octopus man was looking for him, cause why not?
Parker Luck, amirite?
The man zeroed in on Peter, who felt like the unluckiest man in the world.
"Found you."
Peter, much like the other people around him, began running away from the monstrosity of a man.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck--" He murmured to himself as he sprinted away.
One managed to snag his leg, and Peter cursed a higher power for making him so short.
He hung upside down in Otto's grasp. They stared at each other, both not saying a word.
Peter wondered if Octavius was waiting for him to pass out from all the blood flowing to his head. It would never happen, he hangs upside down all the time.
" is this the part where we kiss or--?"
"Spiderman." Otto began.
Peter snorted quietly to himself in bewilderment. This man really waited until Peter said something so he could interrupt it.
"Otto Octavius. Y'know, Otto kinda sounds like 'octo', which is Latin for eight. Which is funny because you have eight arms and octopuses have eight arms. You should start going by Doctor Octopus! That's so much cooler than going around like 'i'M dOcToR oTtO oCtAvIuS.' Octopuses are super smart too! They're like really intelligent and shit. Bro, did you know that squids have TEN arms?! I always thought they had, like, six. Apparently cuttlefish do too, which is cool too--"
"Oh my God, shut UP!" Otto yelled.
"yessir." Peter squeaked out.
Otto visibly relaxed. "Now, Parker, I have a proposition for you."
"Lay it on me, big guy." Peter said.
"Everyone has turned on you, you must feel rather hurt." Otto chuckled.
"Tell me about it." Peter murmured, crossing his arms, which looked bizarre since he was upside down.
"But I know the truth, Parker. I was there the day of Mysterio's death, and I got the whole thing on film." Otto smirked.
"You did?!" Peter exclaimed. "Why didn't you release the footage?!"
"Oh I would, but I want you to become like me." Otto laughed cruelly. "I want you to see the truth of this rotten world. Join me, Spiderman, and not only will people be forced to respect you, but bow to you as well."
"Take over the world, huh?" Peter asked with a snort.
Peter knew he wanted the people to pay for what they did to him, if this was the only way for them to learn the truth, so be it.
He would do anything to be with MJ again.
"I'm in." Peter said.
"Excellent." Otto smirked. "I look foward to working with you, Spiderman."
Ock tossed Peter in the air and caught him so he was upright, with that he carried Peter to an unknown location.
Shorter than I'd like it to be but eh.
We're so close to 200 parts and I'm honestly worried that Wattpad won't let me add more parts after that.
Susie: Do you play any instruments, Darius?
Darius: uh...I can play the recorder?

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.