The idea behind the new character belongs to my brother!
"Okay, uh, Kian, Vine? You guys mind tending to the special effects?" Darius asked, frantically looking through his clipboard. Kian nodded and Vine mock saluted. "Okay, uh, the new recruit submitted by Spiderling_Girl765, uh, Zana! Can you handle hair and makeup?"
"Uh, yeah I guess." She shrugged.
"Come on people, everything needs to be perfect for Reclaimed!" Darius bit his lip anxiously.
"Oh, Darius. You need to relax." A new voice said. Darius' eye twitched.
"Hello, Diabolos." He smiled through gritted teeth. "May I ask what you are doing here?"
"Does everything need to have a reason?" He asked as he leaned against the wall. "I simply wanted to visit my favorite brother!"
"Well if you're not here to work, then leave." Darius huffed. "Um, okay, where's the other new recruit submitted by Asiathesnowleapard? Asia? Do you mind--"
"He wants you to go fuck yourself." Diabolos told her. Darius glared at him.
"No, that's not what I want." Darius forced a smile on his face. "I need you to guard the 4th wall, just in case."
"Yes sir." She said, side eyeing Diabolos. "Are you aware your name can also be translated to--"
"Satan?" Diabolos asked. "I'm well aware, dollface. It's almost like our parents didn't want twins, so they named the one they wanted 'firm and good' and they named me Satan." He shot a bitter smile towards Darius. At that moment, Susie entered.
"Darius, the author was wondering if everything is ready yet?"
"Nope, not even close." Darius sighed. "There's still so much to be done and so little time."
"I can ask Dominic to hel--"
"That's really not necessary." He said with a little more force than intended.
"Oh?" Diabolos rose a brow. "Who's Dominic?"
"No one of your concern." Darius replied. Diabolos shot a questioning look at Susie, who shrugged.
"Oh, but it us my concern when my dear brother is upset. You're almost never upset." Diabolos smirked slightly.
"You're upset?" Susie asked, furrowing her brow. "I'm honestly the most unobservant person in the world, I've known you for so long and yet I couldn't tell."
"It's fine, I'm fine." Darius smiled at her. Susie smiled back, but didn't seem convinced. Diabolos glanced back and forth between them.
"You guys got really awkward, what'd I miss?" Diabolos put a hand on his hip. Darius huffed.
"Nothing happened, everything is the same as it has always been." Darius said, looking back at his clipboard.
"Bull-fucking-shit." Diabolos rolled his eyes. "I know you, and despite popular belief, I care about you. I can tell when something is wrong." Diabolos sighed. "Can you tell me what's wrong, please?"
"I..." Darius bit his lip. He glanced at Susie and sighed. "I have work to do." He sighed. "Avery, can you make sure Spideychelle is ready? Richard, can you help with the set?" They nodded and rushed off. Darius went off to check other assignments, leaving Diabolos and Susie.
"He's hurting." Diabolos said lazily, gaining Susie's attention. "I can see it in his eyes." Susie furrowed her brow and looked down. "I'd say it has something to do with you." Susie shot her head to him.
"Me?" She asked. "What?"
"The way he looked at you before was full of admiration and lo--uh, kindness." Diabolos cleared his throat. "Now, the way he looks at you...he just looks so sad." Diabolos furrowed his brow. "Did anything happen to you recently? Something major?"
"Well, I started dating somebody about a month ago." Susie said. Diabolos' put on a sad smile.
"Ah, I see what's wrong now." Diabolos' expression quickly became blank. "Well, I should get going." He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Tell Darius that I'm here for him, will you?" Susie nodded and Diabolos walked off.
"He didn't...tell me what was wrong with him..." Susie mumbled to herself. Suzie phone rang. She answered it. "Hey babe." She mumbled into the phone.
"What's wrong?" Dominic asked. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, work problems." She sighed. "What's up?"
"I just wanted to ask if you're allergic to anything?" Dominic asked.
"Peanuts, I'm deadly allergic to peanuts." Susie told him.
"Okay, got it. Thanks babe!" Dominic hung up. Susie sighed and put her phone away. She had noticed her coworkers slightly glaring at her whilst she passed, she never suspected it was because of her having to do with Darius' emotions.
She couldn't apologize because she wouldn't know what to apologize for. She honestly had no idea what she had done. Darius was a nice guy and she couldn't bear the thought of hurting him. Apparently she had done it by accident.
It seemed as if she was the only one in the studio who didn't know what she did. She looked to her right and saw Darius. He was writing something down on his clipboard, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Susie found it cute, in a completely platonic way.
This took too long bro-
Vine: How does one do special effects?

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.