"Dude, we're playing checkers." Peter pinched the bridge of his nose. It had been a week since Deadpool came crashing into Peter's life. Literally.
"Oh really?" Deadpool said as he placed down a reverse card on the checkerboard. Peter snorted.
"Where did you even get that?" Suddenly Peter's phone rang, he answered it without looking at the contact. "Hello?"
"Sup faggot." Was heard on the other side. Peter tensed.
"N-Ned?" Peter asked. "I thought I blocked you."
"Got a new phone and decided to give my old pal a call." Ned answered nonchalantly.
"Who ya talkin' to, Petey-Poo?" Deadpool asked. Ned burst out laughing on the other side.
"Oh! So you're a slut now!" Ned asked in between his fits of laughter. "You didn't tell me you were sleeping around!"
"I-It's not like that." Peter growled out, his face flushed.
"Hey, watch your tone." Ned sneered into the phone. "Don't forget that with a single sentence I could ruin your life."
"You wouldn't." Peter mumbled, doing his best to hide his fear.
"Don't be so sure of yourself, Penis." You could almost hear Ned's devious smirk.
"Are you okay?" Deadpool asked. Peter was shaking. Peter didn't know if it was from fear or anger.
"I hate you." Peter told Ned and hung up before he could get a reply. Deadpool tilted his head.
"Who was that?" Deadpool asked. Peter bit his lip and looked down. "Was it your ex?"
"He's my ex, but not the kind you're thinking of." Peter mumbled. Deadpool was confused but shrugged it off as he placed a blue four on top of one of the black pieces.
"Checkmate." Deadpool said with a smug voice.
"Oh my god--" Peter sighed. "That's not even your piece."
Peter was tense as he walked through the hallways at school the next day. "Yo fuckwad." Peter froze when he heard Ned behind him.
"I didn't appreciate how you ended our conversation yesterday." Ned growled as he slammed Peter into the nearest locker.
"I-I thought you wanted honesty from me?" Peter answered sarcastically. "Shit, that would've been cool if I didn't stutter." He thought.
"Don't act so high and mighty when you're about to get your ass kicked." Ned spat. Peter glanced around for help and wasn't surprised when he saw people doing their best to get away from the scene.
"This bitch needs to be taught a lesson." Peter heard Flash say. Ned shoved Peter to the ground. Before Peter could even attempt to stand up, Flash delivered a swift kick to Peter's ribs.
"Now listen here." Ned said, crouching down. "I'm a nice guy, and I didn't want it to come to this, but look what you've brought us to." Ned shook his head and grabbed Peter's hair. He lifted Peter up so he could see his face. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen close. Okay?" Ned gave Peter a sickeningly sweet smile.
Peter spat on Ned, earning a punch on the face. Ned's smile had dropped, but he continued anyway. "You need to learn your fucking place." Ned sneered. "You're worthless. You amount to nothing. At the end of the day, you're just another orphan with a fake family." Ned slammed Peter's face into the cold tiles. "Get that through your thick skull." With that he and Flash left right as the bell rang.
"Asshole." Peter mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Peter looked up and saw a boy standing there, holding his hand out. "What happened?"
"Some jerks being jerks." Peter responded as he took his hand. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." He smiled. "Does this happen often?"
"All the time." Peter scowled as he wiped a bit of blood from his cut lip. The boy frowned. "How do you not know?"
"I just arrived in New York last week." He shrugged. "My name is Wade, by the way."
"Nice to meet you Wade!" Peter smiled and grabbed the books he had dropped off the floor.
"Likewise, Peter." He winked and went off to class. Peter heard the second bell go off and began speed walking to his class.
Peter burst into the classroom, gaining everyone's attention. "You're late, Mr. Parker." The teacher said.
"Really? I had no clue!" Peter rolled his eyes and took his seat, ignoring Flash and Ned snickering at him.
"Anyway, as I was saying..." Peter zoned out. He probably already knew the subject fluently anyways.
His mind wandered back to Wade. Why did he sound so familiar? Had they met before? He went over the things Wade had said during their conversation, trying to evaluate his voice.
Suddenly, he gasped. How did he not notice that Wade had already known his name?! Peter knew for a fact now that they had met before. "Mr. Parker?" The teacher asked. He looked up and saw that the entire class was staring at him. "Care to share your thoughts with the class?"
"Uh," Peter blanched. "No...?"
The teacher narrowed his eyes and continued the lesson. Peter nearly laughed in disbelief. He couldn't believe that worked.
Peter entered the tower after school. "Hey Friday." He greeted her.
"Hello Peter," Friday replied. "You appear to have a bust lip, would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?"
"That won't be necessary." Peter told her. He waited for the elevator opened and was surprised to see that Deadpool was already leaning on the elevator walls.
"Hey Petey Pie!" He exclaimed cheerily and pulled Peter into the elevator.
"Hey Deadpool!" Peter smiled. Deadpool let out an exaggerated gasp.
"Wh-Wh-Wh-What happened to your lIp?!" Deadpool exclaimed dramatically.
"I tripped and fell on my face." Peter lied. Deadpool frowned underneath the mask but didn't say anything. "Are you up for some checkers later?"
"Ohohoho! I'm gonna get all the victory royales!" Deadpool jumped in the air.
"Sure." Peter shrugged.
Lowkey forgot about this series.
Susie: Did...did she leave...? Um, hi! My name is Susie Florence and I just wanted to let you know that you're free to leave questions for Ms. Scott or me! The author also accepts fanart! Um, that's all.
Susie: eEP--

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.