"Uh, hey. Welcome to Wade's Question Corner." Wade sighed and looked over his note cards. "The first question, like always, is for you. The reader." He sighed. "Honestly, are people even reading this? Am I just putting in effort for no reason?"
What is your favorite movie in the MCU?
"Be sure to answer the question before the next episode!" Wade said, putting on another fake smile. "Alrighty! First question of the day is for Peter from justakuudere!"
Peter, do you watch anime and if so what is your favorite?
"Are you okay, Wade?" Peter asked him. Wade gave him a half-hearted thumbs up.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Peter pressed.
"Babe, I'm fine." Wade stated seriously. "Just answer the question so we can move on, okay?"
"Okay..." Peter sighed. "Yeah I watch anime. My favorite is obviously BNHA, but I'm currently watching Haikyu which is pretty good so far."
"Nice!" Wade smiled brightly. "Next question is for all the couples from Blue_foods4life! Before we get to it, may I ask if your username is a Percy Jackson reference?" With that Wade pressed the button.
What couples costumes would you wear?
Wanda gasped. "I could be Ariel and you could be Eric!" She told Vision, who shrugged and said okay.
A playful smirk appeared on Tony's face. "How about," He stalked over to Strange. "You can be the magician and I'll be the bunny." Strange's face turned bright red as be imagined Tony in a bunny costume.
"You can be Mario and I'll be Luigi?" Bucky told Steve. Steve shrugged.
Wade had a frown on his face until he realized that he was being written about again. "Wha--Oh! Uh, very creative answers!" He smiled. "Next question is from SilvermoonDreemurr! This is for...me?"
What is the goriest way you've died?
Wade thought back to every death he's had, trying his best not to think about the amount of times he shot himself. "There was this one time," He recounted. "Where I was cut open and had my organs ripped out of me and stomped on." He shuddered at the memory. "Alright, next question is from justakuudere!"
Does anyone play Mystic Messenger?
Natasha and Carol both jumped up. "I fucking love Yoosung and if you touch him you are dead." Nat said.
"Jaehee is baehee." Carol said.
"Take that as a yes." Wade told the reader. "Last question is for everyone from Me_and_myFandoms!"
What is a suitable punishment for Flash?
"Death." Everyone said at the same time.
"That was the last question! Thanks for tuning in for this episode of, say it with me now!"
Ew, this is developing a storyline.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.