Things to know: This is the first Ultimate Spiderman oneshot in this book. For those who don't know what USM is, it's the cartoon show that's really good.
Peter was given a simple task, go save some civilians that were locked in a freezer while the team dealed with the people who took them hostage. Easy enough, right? Wrong. What they hadn't accounted for was a certain trait Peter had gained. The trait only he and Fury knew about. He obviously took the task, he didn't want to let his team down. He took a deep breath and opened the freezer door. He had just snuck past the goons. A blast of cold air hit him and made his knees go weak. He looked up and spotted about twenty hostages staring back at him, relief in their eyes. Their noses had turned pink because of the cold. He walked in and untied each of them, although he had to lean against the wall a few times, earning a few concerned glances from the hostages. He untied the last person and they thanked him warmly.
Peter couldn't stay awake any longer and dropped to the ground, still awake but barely hanging on to consciousness. The hostages gasped and rushed over to their beloved superhero. "Um, Spidey? Are you okay?" A man asked as he shook him. Peter groaned in reply and attempted to get up. His arms gave out and he fell back to the floor. "Is there a doctor in here?" The man shouted. The world began to seen fuzzy to Peter, yet it was so relaxing. Peter's eyes slipped closed and he went limp.
Nova punched the last guy and he fell to the floor, knocked out. He dragged him over to the police and went back to the team. What was surprising is that no hostages ran out when the guys were gone. Wasn't Peter supposed to have freed them already? "That's odd..." Ava mumbled. "Spidey would have normally freed them by now. They're probably still freezing to death in there! He better have a good excuse." They ran in and were surprised to find the door already open.
"Is there a doctor?!" They heard someone shout from inside. The team exchanged glances, had someone gotten hurt and Peter was just in there helping? They rushed in and froze when they spotted the limp figure of Spiderman on the ground.
"What happened?!" Nova shouted, gaining everyone's attention.
"He just collapsed!" A woman exclaimed. "He passed out awhile ago, and we can't seem to wake him."
"We'll take it from here." Luke told them. He walked over and picked Peter up. "Thank you for trying to help him." The civilians nodded in response.
They walked outside and were met with the paparazzi. Almost all of them were asking about Spiderman. "Spidey's fine, he just needs his beauty sleep. Trust me, if you saw his face you would say he needs it too." Sam joked earning a slap on the arm from Ava.
Time Skip, Time Skip, does whatever a time skip does
They arrived back at the helicarrier and The Web Warriors were instantly asking what was wrong. "Is he okay?!" Flash asked. Danny nodded and they continued to the med bay. As they walked, Peter woke up.
"Holy shit!" He yelled and Luke dropped him out of suprise. Peter groaned and Luke kept apologizing.
"Yo Webs, what happened?" Nova asked. Peter sat up.
"It was nothing, I'm fine." Peter reassured them. The team gave him many sarcastic looks. "This has happened before, no need to worry. I just gained the hibernation trait from the spider." The team stared at him before bursting into laughter.
Yeah, I wanted to do a USM version of this.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.