Replaced (Part 3)

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Peter slowly woke up. MJ and Ned were already gone. A wave of emotions overcame him when he remembered what had happened the day prior. There was anger and sadness, but there was mostly dissapointment and shame. It was Wednesday and Peter instantly knew he was late, but he didn't care at the moment. Strange, is it not? The goody two shoes of Midtown Tech, ignoring school. Ah, but that doesn't matter at the moment.

Peter didn't feel like getting up. He just woke up, but he was feeling so exhausted. Not physically, emotionally. May was no where to be seen, she probably had head out. Peter got up and checked the time on his phone. It was around nine, not exactly the ideal time to be waking up. He groaned layed back down. "Stop groaning, I haven't done anything yet." A voice next to him said. It startled him so much that he fell off the couch. He looked up to see Joshua next standing near the door.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked as he stood up, rubbing his head.

"I just wanted to return this to you." He sighed as he threw his aunt foward. She glared at Joshua and stood up.

"Aunt May!"

"Stop sending people to the tower. Nothing you do will convince him to have you back." Joshua spat and walked out. Peter rushed to his aunt.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Peter." Aunt May sighed. "I thought that if I tried to convince him--"

"Aunt May, you didn't need to do that." Peter smiled weakly. "I've already lost Mr. Stark, I can't lose you too."

"Lose me? What are you talking about?" May asked.

"What if he tried to hurt you? What if Joshua tried to do something? I--"

"Peter, nothing he could ever do could make me leave." May smiled. She sighed. "I guess it's too late to go to school, you can stay home." Peter sighed in relief and layed down.


Happy was currently at a bar, he didn't care what time it was and he didn't care how drunk he was.

His tie came undone awhile ago, but he didn't seem to care. He already had bags under his eyes even though he hasn't been up long. He downed another shot, demanding the bartender for another. The bartender shook his head. "I'm cutting you off buddy."


Peter was lazily channel surfing, not sure what to do. He was bored as hell. He couldn't go to the tower because...

Peter sighed. He had tried to stop thinking about that, hoping he could dull the pain. What was so special about Joshua anyway? He just seemed like any other kid to Peter. Was he really smart? Really strong? What was it? Tony is a hard man to please, what did this kid have to make him have favor?

He looked at the time. May left a couple hours ago to go buy some things. She should've been back by now. What was taking her so long?

"She didn't go back to the tower did she?" Peter thought. He got out his phone and dialed her number. It rang a couple of times before hanging up. "That's weird." Peter furrowed his eyebrows. He was beginning to be concerned. Normally he would call Mr. Stark if he had a problem like this, since that man keeps tabs on everyone, but he couldn't do that now.

Peter stood up, he had decided to look for her himself. He was about to walk out the door when he spotted a familiar red and blue suit. He stared at it, before walking over and putting it on. He figured it would be faster to look for her as Spiderman. "Hopefully Mr. Stark won't take this away." Peter mumbled. He pulled the mask over his face.

"Hello, Peter." Karen greeted him. "What are we doing today?"

"Karen, you wouldn't happen to know where Aunt May is?" Peter asked the AI.

"I could track her phone. Would you like me to do that?" Karen asked. Peter nodded vigorously. "Just a moment."


Tony walked into the training room, spotting all the Avengers training. He was unsettled, however, because all of the punching bags and targets had his face on them. "Uh, hey guys." He awkwardly waved. All of the Avengers snapped their heads toward him, giving him a fright. "What, uh, what are you guys doing?"

"Can you not see that we're training? Dumbass." Natasha rolled her eyes as she shot a target with Tony's face. She got it right where the forehead would be. Tony gulped.

"Language." Steve mumbled as he punched punching bag Tony.

"Listen, I know you're upset about that little pest leaving--" Tony was interrupted by an arrow flying passed his head.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were another target." Clint smiled as he walked over to get his arrow. Tony knew better. He knew that that was a warning shot.

"Maybe you should just go, Stark." Bucky growled out as he repeatedly stabbed a dummy that had Tony's face on it.

"Uh, right. I was going to hang out with Joshua anyway." Tony nervously laughed. He could've sworn he heard a low growl escape all of their mouths at the mention of Joshua.

"Maybe that's for the best." Wanda smiled as she brutally ripped apart a dummy that also had his face on it with her magic. Tony quickly scurried out.


Sorry for the wait. I've been busy as of late.


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