Things to know: Peter was adopted by Tony after May died
Tony paced the elevator, nervous for the meeting he was about to partake in. Team Cap was back and he was one his way to go meet them. As he neared the floor he took a deep breath, his careless facade turning on.
He stepped out of the elevator and saw them standing there. "Tony." Steve walked foward to shake his hand.
"Mr. Rogers." Tony nodded in acknowledgement and promptly ignored the handshake, causing Steve to frown. "Either state your business or leave."
"We came here to apologize...for everything." Steve sighed, expecting Tony to rub it in their faces. Tony sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. Suddenly a boy came through the doors, he was on his phone and didn't see the rouge Avengers.
"Hey dad." He mumbled as he passed, not even glancing at the Avengers.
"How was your day?" Tony asked Peter. Peter mumbled a typical teenager answer and scanned his access card.
"Peter Stark. Alpha, Level 10 access." Friday announced.
"Hold on, you have a son?" Clint asked. "Since when?"
"Since you stopped caring." Tony shrugged. "He isn't mine biologically. I adopted him." The Avengers were surprised. "Now, let's continue."
"Right. We are truly sorry, Tony." Steve have him a weak smile. "There's also another reason we came."
"And what is that?" Tony was unamused.
"We have no where to go and we were hoping you'd be kind enough to open your doors to us." Bucky stepped foward. Tony's eyes widened in disbelief.
"No no no! You can't stay here!" Tony whisper-shouted, much to the team's confusion.
"I told you he wouldn't take us back." Bucky sighed.
"No, it's not that!" Tony cried. "He'll kill you guys and I really don't want your blood on my hands!"
"Who?" Natasha asked him as she stepped foward.
"My son, Peter! He despises you guys! You're lucky he didn't notice you!" Tony was going into hysteria at this point. Clint scoffed
"What can a kid do?"
Tony shook his head. "More than you know." Tony took a deep breath. "Okay, if you're going to stay here you must try to keep out of his sight. Trust me when I say that you don't want him seeing you."
"Why should we trust you?" Sam asked with a roll of his eyes. Tony scoffed.
"I really should be asking that to you." He spat. "Now, get in the elevator, and try not to get caught." The team nodded and stepped in.
Unbeknownst to them, Peter actually did notice them and was hiding on the roof if the elevator. He quietly jumped down behind them. "Why are they here?" He growled, startling everyone else. Tony whipped around.
"Pete! Kid! Didn't see you there!" Tony laughed nervously. Peter ignored him and marched up to Steve. He grabbed Steve's wrist.
"If you ever hurt my dad again..." Peter twisted his wrist causing Steve to yelp in pain. Steve tried to pull away but Peter's grip was too strong. "You'll have Hell to pay." The elevator doors opened and Peter let go and walked away.
"That's going to bruise..." Steve groaned while rubbing his wrist. The team was left shell shocked. Tony chuckled.
"I told you." He said and walked away.
Pretty straightforward ._.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.