The pic is of Gaston masturbating so hard that Zeus decided to get in on that action.
Peter was walking through the streets, deciding to stop by the corner store for some gum. It was late, so there weren't many people out.
"Can't believe Vision has never chewed gum." He scoffed under his breath.
He turned the corner and suddenly bumped into someone. "Watch it!" A British voice called out.
"Sor...ry...?" He stopped when he got a good look at the man in front of him.
He looked exactly like Peter, it was actually scary. "What the...?" The British man asked, looking at Peter. "Woah!"
"You look just like me!" Peter exclaimed at the same time as the other man.
The other guy gasped. "You're my doppelganger!" He exclaimed.
Peter released a terrified scream and began eagerly trying to run away. He sprinted top speed from the other man, which was fucking fast.
He stopped a good bit away, trying to regain his breath. A few minutes later, the man was huffing and puffing as he came up the same way. "What...the actual fuck...was that..." He asked, trying to steady his breathing.
"Aren't doppelgangers supposed to be, like, evil or something?!" Peter got into a defensive stance.
"What?! No!" The other man exclaimed. Peter narrowed his eyes, searching the other man's face for a hint of deceit.
"I'll believe you for now." Peter sighed. "I'm Peter, and you are?"
The other man rose a brow. "You don't recognize me? Everyone knows my name nowadays." The other man asked. Peter shrugged, a bored expression on his face.
"Tell me your name and maybe it'll ring some bells." Peter looked at him expectantly.
"Tom." The man rose a brow. After Peter showed no visible reaction, he continued. "Tom Holland?"
"Never heard of you." Peter shrugged. "What are you doing out so late anyways? Don't you have school tomorrow?"
Tom barked out a laugh. "I'm 23, but I appreciate the concern." Tom snickered, but then stiffened. "Wait...don't you have school tomorrow?" He pressed.
Peter nervously looked away. "Well--you see--"
"You should be in bed!" Tom put his hands on his hips as he scolded Peter.
"I was picking up gum for my Uncle who has never chewed it, okay? Get off my case!" Peter rolled his eyes.
"You have an uncle who's never chewed gum?" Tom asked incredulously.
"Yes! It's unbelievable, right?!" Peter exclaimed. "Well I mean he IS only three so..." He mumbled.
"Is a three year old allowed to chew gum? Are his parents okay with it?" Tom asked. "Wait--you're distracting me!"
"Oh, I've been caught." Peter laughed.
"Here, have my phone number. That way we can stay in touch!" Tom smiled brightly, handing Peter his phone.
"Yeah, I know how phone numbers work." Peter mumbled, typing in his number. Peter sent a quick text to himself before handing the phone back to Tom.
"See you later, doppelganger!" Tom gave Peter a quick wave before walking off.
"Watch him be a serial killer." Peter mumbled, before going to pick up the gum.
It was a couple days later when Tom and Peter decided to meet up. Peter still wasn't sure if he should be on guard around Tom or not.
They met up at a cafe, Tom was sat in the very back, a baseball cap placed on his head. "Hey Pete!"
"Sup Tom." Peter sat down across from Tom. "What's with the hat?"
"So no one recognizes me. You have no idea how hard it is to go out nowadays!" Tom sighed. "How was school?"
"Ugh, what are you? My dad?" Peter rolled his eyes. "It was fine."
"Elaborate on 'fine'." Tom placed his elbows on the table, resting his head on his hands. Peter gave an exaggerated sigh.
"Classes were easy, there were burgers for lunch, and we had a fire drill for the majority of P.E." Peter crossed his arms.
"Does anyone pick on you? You got any bullies at your school?" Tom pressed.
"Jesus Christ, you ARE my dad." Peter rolled his eyes. "Do you know how creepy it is that a 23 year old man is interrogating a 16 year old?"
"Answer the question."
"Is this really appropriate? We met two days ago." Peter held up two fingers for emphasis.
"So that's a yes." Tom sighed when Peter silenced. "I figured."
"What? Do I give off the 'bullied kid' vibe?" Peter scoffed.
"No, it's just when you ran away from me. There's only two ways to get that fast. Years of training, or constantly running from something. No offense kid, but you don't look like the type to be running every day." Tom shrugged.
"You'd be surprised." Peter mumbled to himself. Peter was aware he looked scrawny. He always wore baggy clothes to make himself seem smaller. "So why are you so famous or whatever?" He shrugged, figuring Tom was a youtuber or something.
"I'm an actor. I'm actually working on a movie right now!" He told Peter. "I'm working on a film right now!"
"Really?" He asked, suprised.
"Yeah! Y'know how Iron Man and Captain America have movies now? Recreations of actual battles they fought?" Tom asked. Peter nodded. He was a big fan of those movies, actually. "They always hire the actual superheroes for the films."
"Right, to make it as enjoyable as possible." Peter nodded.
"Well, since Spiderman was there, we have a problem." Tom shrugged. "We have no idea what he looks like. So, they just hired an actor who can mimic him pretty well. That's me!"
Peter choked on air. "Wait wait wait, you're playing Spiderman?!" Peter choked out.
"Yeah! Since Spidey opened up on the recruitment process and the battles that happened. Oh, and he also opened up about his 'Homecoming' so we know he's young." Tom smiled. "I'll be playing 'Mason Williamson' otherwise known as Spiderman."
Peter felt his blood run cold. If Tom played Spiderman, looked just like him, AND could mimic his voice, there's an 100% chance that his identity would be figured out.
Tom went incredibly pale.
A few girls came running towards them. It felt weird when they surrounded Peter instead of Tom. "Hi Tom!" One girl said.
Peter glanced at Tom, who was gesturing for him to go with it. "Uh, hello." Peter said in a British accent.
Tom snorted, but no one heard it.
"Sorry, but, me and my old chap must be off!" He waved, grabbing Tom and rushing out.
This is bound to be fun.