LMAO THAT'S ME ^^^ Bro I became part of a meme 2 years ago and I didn't even know--
Things to know: Spideypool cuz I can and I'll write Spideychelle later don't come for my throat.
Brief mention of SpideyGwen
Miles just wanted to have a normal day. Maybe get hot dog, maybe go on a walk, maybe ask out Barbara, who knows? But no, he and his dumb luck had to be caught in the middle of a robbery. Not just any robbery, an Oscorp robbery.
Miles was visiting his friend Gwen, who worked at Oscorp. She was a senior when Miles was a sophomore, she had graduated last year. She asked him 30 minutes earlier to deliver a coffee. He arrived and immediately spotted some men hauling what looked to be a cage full of what looked to be spiders into a van.
Unfortunately, the men also spotted him. They were about to go and "take care" of him, when Miles (being the genius that he is) decided to have his own little hero moment.
He charged at the men (who could've been armed, mind you) and tackled the nearest one...who just so happened to be holding the spider cage.
It shattered on the ground and a bunch of spiders came crawling out. Before Miles could begin his probably extremely dramatic reaction, the actual heroes came to save the day.
"Wow, nice work kid." Miles heard behind him, and was met with Spiderman, with Deadpool standing next to him. The man Miles was still on top of scowled and shoved him off.
Before Miles could process, an arm was around his neck. Pressure was being applied but not enough to cut off his air flow. Miles was more alarmed, however, by the gun being held to the side of his head.
"Don't fucking move or the kid's toast." The man scowled. Spidey scoffed and grabbed the gun with his web, whilst Deadpool shot the man in the leg. The main cried out and held his leg.
The three other men were stunned, Spidey tied them up with his webs. "You alright, kid?" He asked Miles. Miles, who was still understandably shaken up about having a gun held to his head, nodded dumbly.
"Aww, he's cute! Let's adopt him!" Deadpool said as he skipped over after handing off the men to the police who had arrived sometime during this whole fiasco. Miles could practically hear Spidey's eyeroll.
"What's your name, kid?" Spidey asked, ignoring Deadpool.
"M-M-M-Miles." He stuttered out, causing Spidey to chuckle and Deadpool to coo.
Suddenly, Miles felt a sting. He looked to his arm and saw a spider crawling on it. He yelped and whacked it off.
Miles felt a shift. Something felt different. "Woah." Spidey said, gaining Deadpool and Miles' attention. Spidey ran over to Miles, seeming to examine him. "That's...peculiar."
"What's up?" Deadpool asked.
Miles felt a ringing in his head, telling him that he and Spiderman were the same. Miles looked at the dead spider on the floor and quickly made the connection. "Woah." He mumbled. He looked back up to Spidey, who was looking at the spider.
"Shit." Spidey mumbled, which seemed to surprise Deadpool. "Great, just fantastic." Spidey mumbled. He sighed and helped Miles stand up.
"I...I have..." Miles looked at his hands. "Okay, woah, this is happening really fast." Miles said, looking back up at the two heroes.
"That's because the author doesn't know the definition of pacing." Deadpool shrugged, puzzling Miles. "But, what are you even talking about?"
Spidey sighed. "You see that?" He asked, pointing to the dead spider. "That bit him."
"Is...is it poisonous? Do we have to worry about lawsuits?" Deadpool asked, suddenly seeming nervous.
"No it's not--you know how I got my powers, right?" Spidey asked, irritated. He put a hand on his hip as Deadpool nodded slowly.
"Yeah? But what does that have to do with--Oh." Deadpool's eye things widened. "He's...?" He trailed off as Spidey nodded.
Deadpool squealed and ran up to Miles and ruffled his hair. "Spiderbaby!" He chuckled.
"Do I...Do I get to be a superhero now too?!" Miles asked, excited.
"YES! WE'LL BE A CRIME FIGHTING TRIO!" Deadpool exclaimed. Suddenly, Gwen came rushing out of the building.
"Miles! Are you okay?" She asked. She spotted Spiderman. "Pe--Spiderman?" She asked. "Why are you here? What happened?"
Spidey gestured to the criminals tied up behind him. "We have a situation." He said. He bent down and picked up the dead spider. "This bit Miles."
"That...bit...WHAT?!" She exclaimed. "Peter Parker you are not roping Miles into your crime fighting shenanigans!" She yelled, but quickly froze when she realized what she said.
Miles' eyes widened. Peter Parker was Gwen's boyfriend until they broke up for some reason sometime last year. Spidey looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that somehow no one heard that."
"Plot convenience~" Deadpool sang. Gwen turned to him, seeming to just notice him.
"Oh, you're here." She said.
"Yeah," Deadpool glared at her. "I'm here."
The two glared at each other for a little bit, before Spide--er, Peter cleared his throat. "What are we going to do about this?"
"I could just shoot him?" Deadpool suggested, holding up a gun.
"No, and we talked about this." Peter scolded Deadpool, who pouted and crossed his arms. "Kid, trust me, you should stay out of this superhero business."
"No, Miles." Spidey's eye slits narrowed. "I don't want you throwing your life away to become a weirdo in spandex."
"But YOU'RE a weirdo in spandex!" Miles exclaimed, exasperated.
"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Peter snapped. Deadpool snickered. "I don't want to be held with the responsibility of having a kid on the streets. If something happened to you, it would be on m--" He sharply inhaled and looked down. Miles saw Deadpool and Gwen tense up.
Miles tensed as well, though he wasn't sure why. The atmosphere shifted so suddenly, that he did it out of reflex.
Peter cleared his throat. "The answer is no, end of discussion." He choked out. "Let's go, Deadpool." Deadpool walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Peter shot a web and they swung off.
Miles frowned.
Ugh this is such a sloppy chapter.
Avery: So, you doing okay?
Darius: Avery, how many times do I have to tell you that my breakdown was a one time thing?
Avery: Well, I can't help but be sad for a heartsick boy.
Darius: I'm fine! Susie is happy, so I'm happy.
Avery: Are you sure?
Darius: P-Positive.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.