"Oh, fuck you!" Deadpool exclaimed, giving Peter the middle finger. The two had been in an intense game of Mario Kart and Peter had just won. "I was so close!"
"You were not!" Peter retorted, laughing his ass off. "Dude, you were going BACKWARDS!" Peter exclaimed, laughing even harder. Deadpool somehow blushed through the mask and pouted.
"Shut up." He mumbled. Peter rolled his eyes and got off the couch. "Where are you going?" Deadpool asked, standing up as well.
"To make dinner." Peter shrugged.
"Ooh~! Petey can cook! Say, can you make me some chimichangas?" Deadpool asked, plopping down on the couch once more.
"Hmm, how about Kraft Mac N' Cheese?" Peter responded pulling out the box. Deadpool shrugged.
"That works for me." He looked off in a random direction. "Don't comment Dead Girl Walking references or I will find you and hurt you." He glared at seemingly nothing.
"Uh," Peter tilted his head in confusion. "Okay?" Deadpool stood up again.
"So..." Deadpool asked, sneaking up behind Peter and snaking his arms around his waist. "When does Papa Nickel-Titanium Alloy and his band of misfits get home?" Peter scowled and slapped Deadpool's hands, causing him to yelp and massage his stinging hands.
"He said he would be gone for at least a month or two." Peter said, filling a pot with boiling water. Deadpool's eyes comically widened.
"That's so long!" He exclaimed. "How can he expect you to just be okay with that?!"
"I'm used to it, business trips come with the job." Peter smiled sadly.
"Don't you ever get..." Deadpool paused. "...lonely?"
"At first I did, yes." Peter chuckled. "But like all humans do, I adapted." There was a brief silence.
"How often does he get called out?" Deadpool asked. Peter thought about it for a little.
"Well, more often than you'd think. For some reason, this crazy guy has been trying to take over various countries around the world. Somehow, this idiot keeps building robot armies that require the Avengers to help." Peter explained. "This has been happening about...twice every four months?"
Deadpool was silent for a bit, before he asked a question that had been on his mind for awhile. "Hey Peter?"
"Why do you hang out with me and not your other friends?" He asked. "It's not that I don't want to hang out with you, but I'm sure I'm not the most pleasant company."
"The thing is," Peter said, dumping some macaroni into the pot. "I don't have any other friends."
"Really? A guy like you?" Deadpool asked in disbelief. Peter giggled.
"All the kids at my school avoid me because they're afraid of..." Peter trailed off, not wanting Deadpool to know about Ned and Flash. "...me. Some rumor spread about me being a thug and next thing I know, I'm isolated." Peter lied.
"I get that feeling." Deadpool sighed.
"I just feel so trapped." Peter mumbled.
"So broken." Deadpool added.
"So worthless."
"So unwanted."
"Alone." Peter and Deadpool said at the same time. Neither had noticed, but they had been moving closer to each other and currently were so close they could feel the other breathing.
"I...don't want to feel alone anymore." Peter said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Neither do I." Deadpool said in the same tone, staring into Peter's chocolate brown eyes.
Before Deadpool could process what he was doing, he was leaning in. His hands found their way to his mask and it was slowly rolling up so that his mouth was exposed.
Peter found himself doing the same, his hands found their way into Deadpool's chest. His eyes slowly began to close.
Before their lips could meet, Peter pulled away. "I...should go finish the macaroni." He said, face beet red. He turned around and began stirring.
Deadpool just stood there, processing what just happened. He could feel the way his cheeks burned, that moment had sparked an emotion he couldn't pinpoint.
Peter soon finished the macaroni and the two ate in an awkward silence. Peter's face was still as red as a tomato. What had just happened? He hadn't felt anything close to that since...Liz. Was it possible a little crush was beginning to form?
Peter shook his head, that wasn't possible. Hell, Peter didn't even know the guy's name! What happened was simply a result of two lonely souls seeking affection.
Peter looked up when he heard a husky chuckle. Deadpool was staring at him. "What?" He asked dumbly.
"You're cute when you're deep in thought." He commented. Peter thought he was used to Deadpool's flirting, but considering what just happened...it wasn't a big surprise when his face practically became a cherry.
Wade found himself flushing at his own comment. He was trying to lighten the mood with his usual flirts, but realized the second after the words left his mouth how awkward that would make it.
The two blushing teens looked at anything but each other. The awkwardness in the air never wavering. Wade cleared his throat. "Up for a rematch?" He said, gesturing to the TV which still displayed Mario Kart.
And just like that the awkward aura was gone. Peter smirked playfully. "You're on like Donkey Kong."
The two spent the rest of the night playing video games and watching movies until they eventually passed out.
This was written at 3 A.M.
Vine: So, how are you doing with the whole "Dominic" thing?
Darius: As well as you can expect.
Vine: Hmm, y'know what you need?
Darius: Ice cream?
Vine: Yes! Wait, no!
Darius: But I want ice cream...
Vine: What you need is to win her over!
Darius: What?
Vine: Tell me, what is Susie most attracted to in Dominic?
Darius: His compassion and the way his eyes--
Vine: His confidence!
Darius: His confidence! That was my second guess.
Vine: What you need, my man, is to reek of confidence!
Darius: I'm...not following...
Vine: You need to show Susie that you're a real man and that you are totally the guy for her.
Darius: How do I do that?
Vine: By challenging him to a duel of course!
Darius: Ohhhhh...wait what?!
Vine: Back in the old timey days, the two dude would fight for the girls affection.
Darius: Um, can we pick a less violent option...?
Vine: Nope!
Vine: Whoops, that's my cue!

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
Hayran KurguSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.