Some will think of this as a treat while others will hate this

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*blows trumpet* WE HIT 1K! *throws confetti*

I decided to give you a treat!

Things to know: Wade is 17


TW: Major character death

Peter swung onto a building and took a deep breath. Tony and Steve were arguing and he needed to leave the house. He sat on top of the building, his legs hanging over the side. He looked up at the night sky, no stars could be seen (which was kinda sad) but looking at the sky calmed him. He never quite knew why. "Hey." A voice called behind him. He looked next to him and saw a man in a black and red suit sitting there.


"You're Spiderman, right? Can I call you Spidey? I'm going to call you Spidey. Whatcha doin up here Spidey?" He asked. You could tell he had a wide smile even though he was wearing a mask.

"I needed to clear my thoughts." Peter answered hesitantly. His spidey sense wasn't going off, but he wasn't sure if he could trust this guy. "What's your excuse?"

"Shut up, I can see his ass too." The man mumbled.


"Uh, nothing." The man waved him off. "The name's Deadpool or as the readers like to call me 'your future husband'." He winked.

"Readers? What?"

"Sorry, forget I said anything." Deadpool nervously chuckled. Peter shook his head and continued looking at the sky. "What are you looking at?"

"The sky."

"...fucking why?" Deadpool looked at the sky. "There's literally nothing to look at."

"Helps calm me down." Spidey shrugged.


"I don't know." Spidey chuckled. "Maybe it's the thought that there is a possibility my entire family is up there. Well, my old one."

"Old one?"

"My biological family." Peter sighed. "There's a chance they're all up there." Deadpool remained quiet, not sure what to say. He looked at the sky. With the new mindset, he felt calmer when he looked at the sky. "I guess I more so do it out of respect." Deadpool looked back at Spidey.

"You're a nice guy, Spidey." Deadpool smiled. "I like you."

"I like you too." Peter giggled. "I should probably go back home now. My dads are probably getting worried."


"Yeah, I have two dads." Peter told him as he stood up. "I hope you don't have a problem with that."

"Not at all." Deadpool stood up too. "I hope to see you again, Spidey."

"Likewise, Deadpool." And he swung off, letting Deadpool gaze at the beauty that was his ass.

"Damn he's hot."


About a week later, Spidey was on patrol when he ran into Deadpool. He heard some yelling coming from an alley and went to investigate. "You shouldn't have done those things to Mary." A shadowy figure growled as he held a gun to a terrified man's face.

"Yoink!" Peter yelled as he used his webs to take the man's gun. "Was there a party that I wasn't invited to? I mean come on--Deadpool?" Peter asked as he looked up at the man he took the gun from. "What are you doing?"

"I was gonna shoot this fucker in the forehead." Deadpool gestured to the man. "And I have other guns, y'know." He pulled out a gun to prove it. "But I won't shoot if you don't want me to."

"Why were you going to shoot this man?"

"He fucking raped and killed his wife dude." Deadpool told him. Peter nodded.

"I see." The man gave him a pleading look. "Shoot the fucker." Deadpool smiled widely and happily shot the man.

"Aren't you usually against this stuff?"

"Are you killing any innocent people?"

"God no! What kinda monster do you think I am?!" Deadpool placed an offended hand on his chest.

"Then I'm cool with it." Peter shrugged. Deadpool gave him a surprised look.

"Really?" He asked. Peter nodded.

"I mean, my dad's have killed people. I've been responsible for...more than a few deaths. So what right do I have to get angry at you?" Peter asked him. "Hey, wanna patrol with me?"

"Would I!" Deadpool exclaimed excitingly.


"Wade, you're so dumb." Peter laughed as he sat on the roof with Wade.

"Spidey! You wound me!" Wade laughed along with Peter. There was a moment of silence.

"Hey Wade?"


"I think it's about time I reveal my identity to you." Peter sighed as he looked at the sky.

"Wait what?" Wade turned to him. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Are you ready?" He asked as he placed a hand on his mask.

"We're doing this right now?!"

"Yup. Here we go." Peter yanked his mask off. "I'm Peter, Peter Rogers-Stark." Wade didn't say anything for a few moments.

"You're so beautiful..." Wade breathed out. "Wait a minute. Did you say you were a Rogers-Stark?" Peter nodded. "You're dads are not gonna like me!"

"I have a feeling they will, considering I've already told them about you." Peter nervously laughed. "Also, I think it's about time I see your face. Don't you think?"


"Wade Wilson, do you take Peter Rogers-Stark as your husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husbands! You may now kiss the groom!" The priest exclaimed happily. Peter and Wade shared a tender yet passionate kiss. Both of them happier than they could ever be. Tony and Steve were cheering the loudest in the crowd, but they didn't seem to care.


"PETER!" Wade yelled as he rushed over to the area he had fallen. They were battling some new baddie named Consumer and he just knocked Peter off of the Avengers tower. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but Peter had earlier stated that he had run out of web fluid. Wade teleported down and immediately found his arachnied themed husband.

Peter's leg was bent the wrong way, his arm was also bent the wrong way. A pool of crimson was beneath him. "Peter! Peter wake up! Peter, please!" Wade sobbed as he held his husband in his arms. "Don't do this to me!"


Wade didn't cry at Peter's funeral. He was all out of tears. The light of his life was gone. Wade never spoke to anyone ever again. He was forced to spend eternity alone.


So...not really a treat but it's something for 1K!

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