Requested by CassieMilanese
This is longer than my normal chapters.
Peter knew it would be a bad day the second he woke up.
His head was pounding the second he opened his eyes, causing him to wince and close them again.
He covered his face with his hands, already wishing the day was over. He cracked an eye open and looked to his left, spotting Sam, Luke, and Danny still sleeping peacefully.
Wait, Danny was asleep? What time is it?
He looked at the clock and saw that it was about 20 minutes before 7.
Great. Just great. They were supposed to be up 10 minutes ago.
He and Danny usually served as the rest of the team's alarm clocks, but today it looks like Peter would have to do that job himself.
Danny had a late night, so he shouldn't complain. It was Danny's turn to patrol last night, after all.
With an insane amount effort, he sat up in his bed.
All of a sudden, he was dizzy, his throat felt congested, and his nose was stuffy.
He ignored this, and swung his legs out of the bed.
He stood up, swaying a bit before regaining his balance. He stumbled his way over to Sam, and shook him. "Wake up." He cringed at the way his voice sounded.
Sam let out a whine and turned away from Peter.
Peter huffed and shook him more roughly, causing Sam to let out a squawk. "I'm up! I'm up." He sat up, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.
"Finally." Peter mumbled. Sam visibly recoiled at the way his voice sounded.
"Woah, are you feeling okay?" Sam reached a hand up to feel Peter's forehead, but it was immediately slapped away.
"I'm fine! I just woke up, cut me some slack!" Peter said, clearing his throat.
It helped the congestion immensely, so he sounded less like a dying cat. The stuffy nose still affected his voice, but it was less noticeable.
"You sure?" Sam asked. Peter rolled his eyes.
"You getting soft on me, Alexander? I'm fine!" Peter laughed despite not feeling the urge to at all. Sam stared at him for a moment, before letting out a sigh.
"Okay," He mumbled. He stood up, going to brush his teeth.
Peter woke up Luke next, which was easier and took less time. He waited a bit before waking Danny, deciding to let him sleep a little longer.
Once he did wake Danny, he did it gently.
"Hey, Dan, wake up bud." Peter shook Danny gently. Danny let out a quiet groan. "That's it, wake up. We have long day ahead of us."
"Five more minutes?" Danny mumbled.
"I already gave you five more minutes, Danny." Peter told him gently. "It's time to get up now." Danny sighed and sat up. "Are you okay?" He asked Peter upon getting a good look at him.
"What do you mean?" Peter asked.
"Your aura, it'" Danny mumbled. "Is something wrong?"
"I'm fine, Dan, you're just tired." Peter chuckled. "C'mon, get up. We have school." He turned around to leave and was met with Sam, who had a smirk on his face.

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.