Who else forgot about this?
Peter lost his memories a week ago. Everything was unfamiliar to him. You do NOT know how annoying it is to not know anyone but have everyone know you.
Sam had been assigned to take care of him and help him regain his memories. Now I bet you're wondering, why the fuck would they assign bucket head to watch the spider?
Well Fury is hoping that Nova will piss off Peter and that will resurface some memories.
So far, that hasn't been working.
"So then you said, 'now that's what I call spoiled milk'." Nova recounted to Peter. "Ringing any bells?"
"Nope." Peter shook his head. "Man, I sound annoying."
"You were," Sam shrugged. "In an endearing sort of way." Sam tried to think of another story. "Oh! There was this one time where you were in charge of this guy named Skip--"
"We have rules."
"Our little secret."
"Come on, Einstein. I just want to have a little fun."
"Let's conduct our own experiment."
Peter screamed in horror as those memories resurfaced. Nova jumped, not being able to say Skipper before he was interrupted. "What happened?!" Peter felt his breathing accelerate. "Spidey?!"
Peter heard the team run in. "What happened?!" Luke yelled.
"I-I don't know?! He just started freaking out!" Sam was panicking.
Peter felt a soothing hand rub circles into his back. "Calm down, friend. Everything is okay." A calm voice told him.
"Shh..." He whispered. "Focus on your breathing for now."
It took a good ten minutes before Peter had fully calmed down. "Are you okay?" He heard Luke softly ask. Peter weakly nodded.
"What happened?" Sam asked. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No I just...remembered something." Peter mumbled. The team exchanged glances. "Did I...did I ever tell you about a guy named Skip?"
"No...?" Ava asked. "Fantastic, more secrets." She grumbled, earning mini glares from the team.
"When I was 8, he..." Peter looked down. (Lmao was he 8? I actually can't remember--)
"What did he do, friend?" Danny gently urged Peter to go on, grabbing his hand. Sam felt a twinge of jealousy but quickly brushed it off since it wasn't the time.
"He...he..." Peter felt tears reach his eyes. "He r-raped me." The entire team froze.
Ava began walking out of the room. Before she left fully, she asked one question. "Where is he?"
"I-I don't know." Peter mumbled. "I only remembered when he did it, nothing else."
Ava smiled at him under her mask. "I'll find him for you and make sure we give him a little special treatment." Ava then stomped out, followed soon by Luke, claiming he would join her.
"I-I didn't know--" Sam began, feeling incredibly guilty.
"It wasn't your fault." Peter reassured him. "I was going to remember it anyway, right?" Peter gave him a weak smile.
Sam grimaced, that smile was nothing like the ones Peter gave. Where was that bright, cheerful, respectable smile? Sam knew the answer to that damn well, it was under lock and key inside his mind.
"I think we've had enough stories for one day, why don't you go back to your room and rest?" Danny suggested. Peter hesitantly nodded.
Sam and Danny escorted Peter back to his room. Peter yawned, realizing how tired he was. Peter bid them farewell and went to take a nap.
Sam and Danny began walking back to their rooms, which were in the same direction. "Let's look on the bright side." Danny said, breaking the silence. "He remembered something?"
"There was so much fear in his eyes." Sam mumbled. "I've never seen that in him before." Sam looked at Danny. "How much do you think is hidden behind those eyes?"
"We'll have to wait and see, I suppose." Danny shrugged. It was silent for a little bit, before Danny broke it again. "So, how did May take the news?"
"I thought you said you were going to tell her?" Sam stopped walking and looked at Danny, confused. Danny also stopped walking.
"But...I thought you were going to do it..." Danny said calmly.
"I thought Fury told you to do it!" Sam responded, not as calm as Danny.
"He did, but then I asked you to do it and you said yes." Danny said in a stern voice.
"When was this?" Sam asked, now confused and a tad agitated.
"When you were playing video games on Saturday?" Danny crossed his arms.
"I was playing video games! I wasn't paying attention to you!" Sam pointed a finger at Danny accusingly. "So wait, no one told May?"
"I suppose not." Danny mused. "Not it."
"Not--Aw man! Seriously?!" Sam pouted and pulled out his phone, dialing May's number.
It rang a couple of times before the sweet voice of May answered. "Hello?" She asked.
"Hey May, it's Sam." He told her. "Can we meet up today, I have something to tell you that needs to be said in person." Sam did his best to make his voice sound serious so that she would know he wasn't joking.
"Time and place?" She asked in an equally serious tone.
"Gloria Cafe, 4:15 P.M." Sam told her. A few quick words were said and Sam hung up.
"Why 4:15?" Danny asked. Sam shrugged.
"I want her to be impressed when arrive on the dot." Sam smirked.
"If you arrive on the dot." Danny smiled slightly.
"What? Do you not have faith in me?" Sam put on a lopsided grin.
"To put it simply, no." Danny chuckled at the offended expression on Sam's face.
Yo I legit forgot all about this one.
Susie: Hey Kian, have you see Darius? The author wants him.
Kian: Nope. I think he went to try and rebuild the wall.
Susie: Thank you!
A Little Bit Later
Susie: Hey Darius! The author--
Darius: *asleep on a pile of bricks*
Susie: *sigh* Again? *leaves*
Susie: *comes back with blanket and places it on Darius* Sweet dreams! *smiles*