Things to know: Peter is 23 and Wade is 25They are already dating
They already know each other's identities
"I would fuck you but I'm already horny for Spidey." Peter walked in the bar as Wade was telling some chick this.
"Wade, what the fuck?"
"Hey babe." Wade waved at Peter. The first thing that Wade noticed is that Peter was in his suit, so this must be important. Peter pinched the bridge of his nose. "What are you doing here?"
"Fury has assigned a mission." Peter sighed.
"What does pirate man want?" Wade asked as he took another shot. "What does he need us for? Rebuilding the fourth wall? Wait shit, that's the readers. Oh fuck I just broke it again! Shit, sorry!" Peter just sighed, used to comments like this.
"Can we go now? Please?" Peter asked him, rubbing a tired hand on his face.
"Just one more beer?"
"No Wade."
"UGHHHH FINE!" He groaned and slammed his shot glass down on the table. Wade got up and began to walk out.
"Wade." Peter glared at him.
"Right! Sorry!" Wade slammed some money down on the table. "Keep the change." With that he left with Peter behind him. "So where are we going?"
"Statue of liberty. Vulture has escaped." Peter answered shortly. Wade rolled his eyes.
"Couldn't you have handled this by yourself? Was that Fury thing an excuse to help you?"
"Yeah, I need your help." Peter said as he shot a web.
"I'm going back in the bar." Wade rolled his eyes. "You can handle this."
"But my spidey sense--"
"Goodbye Spiderman!" Wade turned around waving at Peter. Peter sighed and swung off.
Wade walked back into the bar and ordered a whiskey.
Peter arrived at the statue of liberty and instantly saw the Vulture. "Hey ugly! Long time no see!"
"Ah, Spiderman. Right on time." Toomes smirked.
"Hey, Adrien! How was prison? I thought your vacation was a little longer." Peter tilted his head.
"Enough with the small talk. Let's get right to it." Adrien growled. "You've gotten in my way too many times. It's time I get rid of you once and for all!"
Peter's spidey sense tingled and he jumped out of the way of a lunge from Vulture. "WOAH! Can we talk this out like real men?" He dodged another punch. "Guess not then."
"You can't dodge forever Spiderman!" Adrien yelled.
"That's what I tell the toilet when my aim is off." Peter laughed as he dodged another hit. Vulture looked at him, grossed out.
"What the fuck?" Peter made use of his hesitation and did a jump roundhouse kick into his skull. Vulture stumbled back, stunned. Peter rushed foward and did a right hook into his face, causing him to fall to the floor.
"Y'know," Peter chuckled. "You've somehow become an even worse fighter since the last time we fought. You think for a guy with wings you would use them more." Unbeknownst to Peter, a news team was filming this fight and it was being broadcasted live on the news. Wade was watching the fight on the tv at the bar. Wade chuckled at Peter's cockiness. He always had a confidence boost when he was fighting.
Peter's spidey sense was still tingling and he wasn't sure why. The Vulture was down. From the bar, Wade's eyes grew wide with panic. "Behind you!" He shouted at the screen, hoping that by some force Peter would hear him.
Peter's spidey sense grew stronger and before he knew it he felt a flaring pain in his back. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor, breathing heavily. "Oh Spiderman." Vulture winced and stood up. "You never learn." Peter looked behind him and saw Scorpion standing there. He now realized that a poison was injected into his system. "Weak!" Vulture laughed and kicked Peter in the stomach, causing the air to be knocked out of him. "Pathetic!" He kicked him again, a loud crack was heard.
"Shit." Peter wheezed out. Scorpion kicked him in the back and a bit of blood came out of Peter's mouth. Vulture kicked him in the stomach once more.
Peter felt his energy draining, the poison taking affect. Peter was wheezing and coughing on the ground. He weakly tried to crawl away, only to have his feet grabbed and spread open by Adrien. Adrien kicked him in his privates and Peter yelped in pain. Vulture dropped his legs dug his foot into Peter's back. Peter groaned and tried to escape.
His vision was beginning to blur, the world becoming a bunch of colors. Scorpion flipped him over and stomped on his stomach, causing Peter to groan.
Wade teleported to the statue of liberty and instantly pulled out his guns and attempted to shoot Scorpion and Vulture. Unfortunately for him, they were both wearing helmets. They barely felt the gunshots and continued beating Peter, who was barely conscious. Wade sweared and pulled out his katana. He snuck up behind them and impaled them both. They fell to the floor, dead. Wade rushed over and held Peter in his arms. "Peter!" He yelled. Peter opened up his eyelids.
"Wade...?" Peter muttered. "You asshole...I told you to come..." Wade forced a laugh.
"You're gonna be fine, alright? We'll find a cure for the poison before it kills you!" Wade felt tears leak out of his eyes. Peter coughed up some blood. Wade knew the truth and he knew that Peter knew the truth as well. Peter was dying, and there was nothing they could do.
"I love you, even though you're an idiot." Peter chuckled and let out a breath. He stopped moving, stopped breathing, he was just still.
"Peter? Wake up please. Peter, wake up." Wade sobbed out as he gently took the mask off of Peter's face. "Wake up. You can't leave yet, not yet." He hugged Peter's limp frame and sobbed.
Yeah, so the chapters with Shuri and Peter were so you could be happy before you read this...

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.