Flash raced to Peter's room, needing more than a little help from Friday to get there. He slammed the door shut, out of breath. "How the hell does he do this everyday?!" Flash wondered.
"How does who do what?"
Flash screamed and turned towards the source of the voice. A man in red and black spandex was sitting on Peter's bed. "Who are you?!" Flash asked, getting into a defensive position. The man tilted his head. Flash cursed as he realized that Peter probably knew this guy. "I mean...what's up....dude..." Flash leaned against the door awkwardly.
The man snorted and walked closer to him. "You feeling alright, Petey?" He asked, ripping off his mask so Flash could see the concern in his eyes mixed with amusement.
Flash gasped. That was Wade from seventh period! He was a superhero too?! "You're--" Flash huffed and crossed his arms. Why was everyone a superhero except for him?! "What're you doing in here, Wade?" Flash asked.
Wade was stunned by his hostility. "I visit you every night?" Flash burst out laughing.
"That little slut!" Flash wheezed. Wade was confused. "You've been fucking me every night?!"
"Wh--NO!" Wade turned bright red. "I just like to visit my boyfriend, that's all..." Wade looked down.
Flash snorted. Wade was usually so stoic in class, it was odd to see him become flushed under his gaze. Peter's phone rang and he saw that it was Peter. Flash answered it. "Go for Penis." Wade choked on thin air.
"Sorry! Sorry." Flash chuckled. "What's up?"
"I just wanted to warn you that a guy in red and black spandex may visit--"
"A little late for that." Flash rolled his eyes as he looked over to Wade, who was talking to a pigeon that was at the window. "Out of all people you could've been dating, you chose Wade Wilson?" Wade looked up at the mention of his name and gave Flash a smile and a wave.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Peter huffed on the other side.
"That guy is kinda weird." Flash said.
"Well I happen to love 'that guy' so piss off." Peter growled on the other side.
"Chill out, Penis." Flash rolled his eyes. "So, what's the plan?"
"The plan is to go to sleep and hope we'll be back to normal tomorrow." Peter responded.
"That's a shit plan." Flash complained.
"Well it's the only plan we got so shut the fuck up." Peter responded. Flash scoffed. "Goodnight, Flash."
"Nighty night." Flash responded as he hung up. He looked up and saw Wade looking at him curiously. "What?"
"Are you feeling alright?" Wade asked softly. "Seriously."
"I'm fine, Wilson." Flash responded. Wade frowned but didn't say anything. Wade pulled on his mask.
"Let's go." Wade said. Flash tilted his head.
"Go where?"
"On patrol?" Wade responded. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, of course. I was just messing with you, obviously." Flash went to go put on Peter's suit.
Wade was confused as to why Flash insisted on walking around the city instead of swinging on his signature webs. This was going to take all night at this point.
Flash froze when he heard a scream. He exchanged a look with Wade and they both ran towards the source.
A woman was being held at gunpoint as she hastily dug through her bag. "I-I don't have my wallet!"
"Lying bitch!" The man yelled. "You think you're funny?!"
Flash walked over and tapped the guy on the shoulder. "Um, is this a mugging?" He asked, genuinely curious as to if this counted. Wade facepalmed. The man went to punch Flash in the face, when Flash got this feeling that he should duck. He did so and before he knew it he was dodging all the jabs being thrown his way. "This is awesome!" Flash exclaimed. He tried to throw a punch, but it was so amateur looking that the mugger dodged it and punched Flash in the stomach. Flash keeled foward and received a knee to the face. The man delivered a roundhouse kick to Flash's skull and he fell to the ground. He looked back up and saw that he had a gun in his face. The man was smirking.
"Peekaboo." Wade said and shot the man in the arm. He screamed and fell to the floor. "Honestly, why do they always forget about me?" Wade shook his head as he lifted the man up and began dragging him near a wall. "Web him up, Spidey!"
Flash shot a web, and it attached itself to the mugger. Instead of it detaching, it stuck. Flash attempted to pull it off, only to send the man flying right into him, knocking him out.
Wade tilted his head when he saw that Peter wasn't getting up. The boy had been acting weird. He walked over. "Uh, Spidey?" He nudged him with his foot. Wade frowned and picked him up, carrying him back to the tower.
Peter was bright red with embarrassment. He had just watched the news and saw footage taken by a woman of Flash trying to stop crime. The woman was being mugged when Wade and Flash tried to 'save' her. "Oh my god." Peter groaned into his hands. "I should've given him a suit tutorial." Peter scolded himself. He was about to turn off the tv and go to bed when he heard the sound of the front door slamming.
Flash woke up in Peter's bed, it was morning and he still wasn't in his body. He frowned and sat up. He jumped when he realized that Wade was sleeping next to him.
It frightened him so much that he fell off the bed. "Two days in a row." Flash groaned. Flash looked up and saw a groggy Wade.
"Petey?" He asked, rubbing his tired eyes. "Did you fall off?"
"No, this is my natural sleep position." Flash responded. He got up and looked at the time. "We're gonna be late for school!" He exclaimed, quickly running into Peter's closet to pick something to wear. He settled for a white shirt and black jacket. It wasn't what Peter would wear, but it's the first thing he saw.
Wade whistled when Flash walked out. "You look sexy in that."
"Bitch, I know I do." Flash responded. He walked out of the room, a slightly confused Wade behind him.
I really like the Body Switch series y'all

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.