Susie: Um, the photo up top is of me in case you want to submit fanart! Miss Scott said that I should at least give you a reference order to submit all you need to do is post a chapter in one of your books and tag the author! She said that unlike me it isn't a waste of, that's all. Bye!
Flash and Wade got into the limo. Happy began driving them to school. "So, you sure you're okay?" Wade asked for the fifth time that morning.
"How many times do I have to tell you, Wilson?! I'm fucking fine!" Flash exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
"There! You never curse, Petey!" Wade grabbed Flash's hand. "What's wrong? You can tell me." Wade frowned when Flash hastily pulled his hand away. "Yesterday it was going around that you tried to fight Flash Thompson. You would never do that!"
"He tried to do what?" Happy asked. Flash nervously chuckled. "Since when were you starting fights?"
"Since yesterday." Flash shrugged. "He probably deserved it. Fred stopped me before I could."
"...Ned?" Wade asked.
"Oh, yeah. Him." Flash mentally scolded himself.
"That's odd." Happy mumbled. "For once I have to agree with Wilson, you're acting weird."
"Oh! Look! I can see the school!" Flash exclaimed, desperate to change the subject. Happy pulled up a block away from the school.
"If you're feeling sick, you can talk to Tony or Bruce! They'll probably know what to do!" Wade told Flash. "They are scientists after all!"
"Oh my god! You're right!" Flash exclaimed. "You're a genius!"
"" Wade tilted his head. Flash opened the door to exit the vehicle. "Wait!"
"What?" Flash asked impatiently.
"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?"
"Hell no!" Flash exclaimed and began running to find Peter.
Happy was laughing his ass off while Wade just sat there with a heartbroken expression.
"P--Flash!" Flash yelled as he raced through the halls at incredible speed. "Flash where are you?!"
"What are you doing?" MJ asked him. Flash glanced at her before continuing to look for Peter.
He spotted his back and began running towards him. "I have an ide--" He exclaimed as he turned him around. He stopped when he saw the giant black eye he had.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Peter asked in a small voice.
"I completely forgot he would be back yesterday." Flash sighed, looking down. "I'm super sorry."
"How long?"
"What?" Flash shot his head up.
"How long has he been treating you like that?" Flash looked at Peter and saw tears beginning to fill his eyes, which looked quite odd on his body.
"About....six years now?" Flash frowned as Peter's expression became even more heartbroken.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Peter asked him, voice barely above a whisper. "I could've helped."
"Of all people why did you have to find out?" Flash grumbled. "It's fine, I can handle it."
"It's not fine!" Peter yelled, gaining some people's attention. He flushed with embarrassment before making his voice quiet again. "It's not fine. Your father is beating you, Flash."
"So how could you stand to love with this?! He is a vile man!"
"Oh, and like you care." Flash scowled. "Once we switch back everything will be back to normal. I'll continue bullying you, you'll continue being your perfect little self. Nothing will change."
"That's not true and you know it!" Peter exclaimed. "Nothing will be the same! When we switch back I will do everything in my power to throw your father in prison!"
"If we switch back." Flash corrected. "Which reminds me of the reason I came over here. I have an idea."
"That's never good."
"Do you want to hear it or not?" Flash asked with a roll of his eyes. Peter remained silent. "That's what I thought. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are scientists, right? So maybe they'll know what's going on!"
"It's worth a shot." Peter mumbled. "We'll ask them after school. I'll have to ride home with you."
"Yeah, okay, whatever." Flash shrugged. "And take care of that black eye, would ya? It's drawing unnecessary attention."
"What do you want me to do?!"
"I usually put some of my mom's makeup on it but that won't work. Honestly I can't believe that old man had the balls to hit me--er, you in the face." Flash chuckled as he began leading Peter to the boys bathroom.
"Well I mean I did call him an ugly bastard." Peter mumbled, causing Flash to burst out in laughter.
"You did what?!" He held his stomach. "Why would you think that was good idea?!"
"Well he called me a stupid fuck so I called him an ugly bastard!" Peter crossed his arms. "He had it coming. And you can't laugh like you didn't make a fool of yourself yesterday!"
"How do you know about that?" Flash asked, suddenly nervous.
"The lady you saved posted it everywhere! It's number one on trending right now!" Peter said, pulling out Flash's phone and showing him.
"Oh." Flash said, watching the video. "It looks even more embarrassing than I imagined."
"It was my fault that happened anyway. I should've taught you how to use the suit." Peter shrugged. "We can do that later."
"Yes!" Flash pumped his fist in the air. "I get to train with THE Spiderman!"
"Right now, that's technically you." Peter shrugged.
Susie: We don't have any--
Me: How many times have I told you to talk to me AFTER the chapter is over?
Susie: Sorry...

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.