Requested by the absolutely beautiful the_cherrio
Idk how many of y'all will like this.
Flash had been walking when he spotted Spiderman in an alley. Before Flash could have a proper reaction, he ripped off his mask and revealed Peter Parker.
Flash stood, gaping in shock. "Y-Y-You're Spiderman?!" Flash exclaimed. Peter shot his head to him.
"F-Flash! Oh my God! Um, this is just cosplay!" Peter nervously laughed. "This is a fake suit! It's not real!"
"Why are you doing cosplay in an alley?" Flash asked, tilting his head. "And how did you get such a perfect cosplay? Spiderman's only been around for a week. Peter looked away, trying to think of am excuse.
"Um, I guess I'm just really observant?" Peter shrugged. Flash shot him a skeptical look.
"I'm not dumb, Peter." Flash crossed his arms. Peter sighed.
"Okay, I'm Spiderman." Peter admitted. Flash stared at him in awe.
"D-Does anyone else know?" Flash asked, suddenly feeling shy in front if his hero.
"Only you." Peter sighed. "You can't tell anyone, not even Ned. This'll be our secret for now, okay?"
"O-Okay!" Flash nodded. Flash's eyes narrowed as he saw a giant bruise on Peter's cheek. "What happened to your face?"
"What do you mean?" Peter asked, slightly offended.
"You have a bruise on your cheek." Flash pointed out. Peter's eyes widened as he looked into a nearby puddle for confirmation.
"Shit." Peter mumbled. "How am I going to explain this?" Flash thought for a moment.
"I-I can help! Maybe I could pretend to bully you or something?" Flash suggested. Peter looked at Flash.
"But you could get in trouble?" Peter said. "I don't want you getting expelled because of me."
"My parents play a big part in the funding for Midtown, they wouldn't dare expel me." Flash told Peter. "Let me help!"
Peter thought about it for a moment. "Okay Flash." A big smile grew on Flash's face.
It's been two months since that faithful day. Ned had found out about Peter's identity and was aware that Flash bullying Peter was a coverup.
Peter felt bad everytime someone glared at Flash for 'bullying' him. Flash's reputation was suffering but he didn't seem to care.
But that doesn't matter right now. Peter was currently fighting some bad guy who's name he didn't remember. This guys favorite weapon seemed to be throwing knives. Peter dodged each of them with ease. His Spidey sense went off again and Peter jerked to the right, expecting another throwing knife.
Instead, the bad guy rushed foward and swung the knife. It cut through his mask and scratched his eyeball. Peter screamed and held his eye, feeling blood beginning to drip down his face. Peter quickly shot a taser web at the man and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
"Spiderman! Are you okay?!" A police man asked as he ran foward. Peter removed one hand from his eye to give the officer a shaky thumbs up. The police man gasped when he saw the blood on his hand. "You're injured!"
"Really, I couldn't tell." Peter replied sarcastically. He would've rolled his eyes if he could. "I'll be one eye short for a little bit." Peter mumbled to himself and swung away.
Flash was prepared for any injury Peter would walk in with...or so he thought. He was not prepared for Peter to walk into the school with an eye patch on. "Peter!" Flash exclaimed as he ran foward. "Are you okay?! What happened?!"
"I'm fine, Flash." Peter smiled reassuringly. "Just a little scratch...on my eyeball."
"You shouldn't have come to school! You should be resting!" Flash scolded Peter.
"It's fine, Flash." Peter waved him off.
"It's not fine! This is serious!" Flash crossed his arms. "Is it permanent?!"
"No, calm down." Peter chuckled at Flash's worrying. Peter glanced up and saw the stunned looks of his peers. He quickly realized how weird this must look. "Why do you care, anyway?" Peter said, getting back into character.
"Why do I care?! I care because I love you, dumbass!" Flash exclaimed, red in the face. He quickly realized what he said and turned even redder. "I-I mean--" He looked down. "Dammit."
Peter was also bright red, his eyes wide in shock. "Wh-What?" Flash turned even redder and bit his lip.
"J-Just forget I said that, okay?" Flash mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Eugene..." Peter grabbed Flash's hand. Flash looked up, face flushed.
Flash pulled his hand away. "I-I'm sorry. This is the last thing you need right now--" He turned around, about to walk away. Peter grabbed his hand and spun him around, making Flash feel dizzy.
"We need to talk about this." Peter told him. Flash looked down and nodded. Peter led Flash by the hand outside of the school, ignoring the murmurs of his schoolmates.
"Did you mean it?"
"Of course I meant it, idiot." Flash snarled, face red. "Why wouldn't I mean it?"
"Then I don't see the problem?" Peter tilted his head.
"The problem is that you're straighter than a ruler." Flash mumbled. Peter pecked Flash on the lips.
"Don't assume, my friend." Peter winked and left a bright red Flash outside.
Dang I really need to start requests.
Also, just a heads up, I'll be publishing Replaced (Part 10) at 4 PM Eastern Standard Time

Spiderman Oneshots (Completed)
FanfictionSorry I couldn't get to most of the requests.