"Hey Peter, do you--okay." Harley sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why?" He asked softly.
"What the fuck do you mean?" Peter asked. "I have a clear motive."
"Okay--MILES! SHURI! GET IN HERE!" Harley yelled.
Shuri ran in. "What--"
Miles dropped from a vent in the ceiling. "I have been beckoned."
"Did you run into Clint again?" Shuri asked.
"Nah," Miles shook his head. "I found a rat though, his name is Darryl." He pulled a rat out of nowhere and began petting it.
"So what's u--oh." Shuri spotted Peter. "Um, Pete? Sweetie? What are you doing?"
"I--" Miles sighed like a disappointed mother. "Why are you like this?"
"You're petting a rat." Peter countered.
"His name is Darryl."
Peter had connected a web to the ceiling fan. His back was connected to the other end. He had his hands held up like a plane as he spun.
"Did you have a fan installed specifically for this?" Harley asked.
"Perhaps..." Peter shrugged.
"You're going to injure yourself." Shuri said simply.
"Small price to pay for freedom."
"Freedo--Peter you're tied to a ceiling fan."
"And what of it?" Peter retorted.
"How did this even happen?" Miles asked. Peter laughed.
"Well, I thought to myself, can spiders fly? Cuz Ghost Spider can fly and--"
"Who the fuck is Ghost Spider?"
"--long story--and I was like 'why can't I fly---"
"And you figured you could. We've played this game before." Miles waved him off. "But, like, how did you physically get up there?"
"Oh," Peter thought for a bit.
"The fact that you have to think about the answer concerns me."
"It was a timing based thing. I attached it to my back, and had to jump at the exact moment to get it to stick."
"That's...not how physics work--"
"Shut the fuck up Harley. Anyways, that's how I got up here." Peter shrugged.
Miles stared at Peter, still petting Darryl.
"Miles, don't. I can already tell what's going through your head." Shuri narrowed her eyes at him. He looked at her.
"Goddamn it Miles." Shuri pinched the bridge of her nose as Harley and her watched Miles and Peter spin on the fan.
"So...wanna go get lunch?" Harley asked. "I'm done with the chaotic energy in this tower."
"Sure." Shuri shrugged as they left Peter and Miles to do their thing.
I have no school next week :)
Susie: A show...?
Jack: Yeah! At the park!
Susie: I'll see if I have time.