Dream part 34

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Dec 30, 2018
A/n: I will be posting the dream story on here and on the dream book.
Part 34: Sorry for any spelling errors.

Y/n POV "Maybe you'll have a y/n army or something like that." (Make something up like how they have mendes army, camilizers, arianators, swifties. So like either y/l/n or y/n and just pick something❤️) Shawn says as we board the plane. All of his guitars and equipment is in LA so all he has is his carry-on suitcase.
He helps me put my suitcase in the overhead storage and we take our seats. Almost immediately Shawn falls asleep. I know that in an interview he said something like falling asleep on planes but we haven't even gotten on the runway yet. I have the window seat so I can see everything that's going on outside the window. We have a connecting flight to Colorado (sky high Colorado 😹 you know if you know) and from there we will fly to LA.
We are starting to take off and my ears start popping and it is honestly the worst thing ever. I get out some gum to unpop I guess my ears. (Fun fact chewing something like gum is a good way to unpop your ears on a plane or moving your jaw and yawning) I see lots of farm land and open planes from the small window. I decide to take a quick nap. ~a little while later~
I feel someone tapping my shoulder. "Mhm" I mumble opening my eyes. "It's time to get off the plane" Shawn says. I nod and we get off the plane. "We need to find out gate?" I say looking at the ticket on my phone. "Yeah and get some coffee" Shawn says as we walk to Starbucks. We order our drinks and go to our gate. We take a few pictures with fans and get in our plane.

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