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May 14 2019
Sorry for any spelling errors.

Today I am going to be teaching my aunts yoga class. She isn't feeling the best, but didn't want to cancel her class so she asked me to teach, and I said yes. I'm currently in her yoga studio setting everything up. I'm wearing yoga leggings, and a tank top. My hair is in a high ponytail.
A few students come in, and when it's time for class to start, most of the spaces are filled. Everyone sits on their yoga mats and waits for me to begin.
"Hey my name is y/n, I'll be your yoga instructor today. I'm filling in for my aunt Julie today because she's feeling a bit under the weather. Now let's start" I say. I put on some calming music that isn't too loud, and lead them through the beginning stretches. There are a few guys in the class, mostly girls, and one tall and really attractive guy here. I can't believe he's Shawn Mendes.
"Now slowly go into table top, curl your toes under and push back into downward dog." I say doing the move with them. "Now inhale and lift your right leg up, now exhale and step your right leg up into low runners lunge." I say, and they do it. "Now place both hands back onto the mat, step your leg back into pushing up position. Now slowing come down, lift your chest into up dog, and push back into child's pose." I say while demonstrating. I feel a pair of eyes on me and I look and see it's shawn who's looking at me.
I do some more stuff, and now it's the end of class. Everyone is laying down. "I will be using some oils to give you a quick head massage, if you don't want to be touched place your hand on your stomach" I say while walking around the class. A few people have their hand on their stomach.
I start on one end of the class and make my way to the other end. I get to Shawn, and I rub the oil on his forehead. His hair is so soft oh my god. "Ok everyone, start bringing awareness back into your body with some deep breaths. Now slowly sit in into a comfortable seated position. I sit down with them.
"Bring your hands to heart center. Thank you for joining me through this yoga session. Namaste" I say and now my head. Everyone else bows their head and says namaste. My aunt said people will usually talk to her after class. A few people talk to me and tell me I was a good teacher etc.
"Hey that was a really nice and relaxing class" shawn says. "Oh thank you" I say smiling. "My name is Shawn by the way" he says, "well it's nice to meet you shawn" I say. "Could I have your number, you know your really good at yoga and stuff" Shawn says shyly. "Sure" I say and we exchange numbers.
Everyone one leaves and I close up the shop. As I'm leaving I get a text from Shawn.

I drive to a coffee shop and get an espresso to go

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I drive to a coffee shop and get an espresso to go. You see this coffee shop let's you use their mugs if you are staying to drink, and if you get it to go then they give you a recyclable cup. I look over and I see Shawn. "Hey I didn't expect to see you here" I say. "Same" he says and we walk out the shop together. "So what are you doing today?" Shawn asks "hm I don't really have anything to do. You?" I say "same." We talk as Shawn walks me to my car.
"Do you want to come over to my apartment today?" Shawn asks. "Sure why not" I say. "You can follow my car" Shawn says. "Ok gotcha" I say and get in my car.
Part 2?

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