Dream part 66

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September 29,2019
sorry for any spelling errors.

Shawn grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. "Go explore" he says and lets go if my hand. I cautiously walk through the house, looking at everything. I walk out into the deck to find that it opens to the ocean.
Wow it's amazing. I go back inside to find Shawn bringing the last of our stuff in from the car. "What's this for?" I ask. "I wanted to say sorry for everything that happened. And I know that it's going to take time, but maybe this would speed up time." He says and I smile. "Ok that works I want to get in the water maybe after food" I say looking around. "Ok. It's going to get dark soon so let's make it buy food so we can go in the water" Shawn says and I nod. "Wanna order pizza?" I ask and Shawn nods. I call a random pizza place and they are coming in 30 minutes.
I go to the bedroom to find my suitcase there. I start unpacking since we will be here for a few days. I put my swim suit on the bed since I might wear it. ~a few minutes later~
The pizza comes and I put it on the table. "I'm starving" I say and I put a slice of pizza on my plate. "Same" Shawn says. We finish our food and clean up a bit. "Are you ready to go in the water?" Shawn asks. "Yup lets go" I say

Shawn Mendes imagines book 2Where stories live. Discover now