To the sky

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Mar 10 2019
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️: Mention of suicide. I just wanted to say that if there is anyone who's struggling my DMs are always open. If you want to DM but can't I understand. Just try to do anything that is therapeutic for YOU. For me it's writing. I wasn't feeling the best, so I decided to write it in the form of an imagine, and after I was finished I felt so much better. I wanted to keep feeling the way I did before, but I couldn't. Sometimes you just have to let go of your feelings, let it out, it's ok.

Sorry for any spelling errors.

Shawn's POV
Right now I'm in a meeting with my record label. I have my lawyer and my manager with me. We are just talking about my career and resigning. I get a message and read it under the table.
Hey I just wanted to say I'm so sorry, and I love you so much. This is not your fault, it's mine. Please don't blame yourself, and please don't be too sad/angry. This is my decision and I'm sorry. You don't know how much it hurts me to leave you, but I have to. It's the only thing for me to do. Like Voldemort said "life without love is barely living" and living by this quote, when I'm without you I'm pretty much dead. When I'm gone, don't cry, just look up into the sky and say goodbye. I love you with all of my heart. I love you, I love you, I love you.
~end of text~
My eyes widen in shock. I hope y/n isn't doing what I think she is. I grab my coat and run out of the room. "Shawn what's going on?" Andrew yells. "It's an emergency" I say and quickly leave.
I rush over to y/n's house/her family's house. She lives with them because they said it would be cheaper and easier while going to college. I have keys to the house because we are best friends and I quickly go in. "Y/n! Y/n where are you" I yell through the house. I go to her room, she's not there. I go to the bathroom and see her lifeless body on the floor with an empty prescription bottle on the floor next to her.
I rush over to her and check her pulse. Nothing. I call an ambulance and start doing CPR. "Come on y/n, stay with me" I say while doing the CPR. Soon the paramedics come and give her a shot. She's not waking up. "How long have you been doing chest compressions?" The paramedic asks. 7 minutes before you guys came" I say still doing them. "Sir I'm sorry but she's gone" they say sympathetically. "No no she can't be. We just have to try harder!" I say in shock. "I'm sorry there's nothing else we can do" they say.
I stop the CPR, and start crying with my head on y/n's stomach. I'm holding her hand. "No this can't happen. Y/n please wake up" I say desperately. I start crying harder, she can't be gone.
~a few days later~
It's been a few days after y/n's death. The media knows now. I haven't been able to eat or sleep. I just lay there. There was a box filled with letters with peoples names on them. I have one. It's filled with sweet words, and her favorite necklace. It says: "p.s. here is my favorite necklace, I wore almost everyday. Even though I'm gone. You'll still have a piece of me with you- love y/n"
I decide to post something about it.

"y/n you are the best friend anyone can ask for

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"y/n you are the best friend anyone can ask for. I love you so much, and I will never stop loving you (vine reference lol). I will alway have a piece of you with me."

I don't care if it's a girl necklace I am going to wear it every day

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I don't care if it's a girl necklace I am going to wear it every day. After I post it On Instagram and Twitter, I turn off my notifications. I don't want everyone's sympathy, I just want my y/n back.
~a few months later~
3rd person pov
Shawn has been wearing the necklace every since that day. He has come back out into the public eye and is ready for the future. The interviewers usually ask questions about y/n. He handles them pretty good.
~at an interview on the carpet~
"So Shawn we have noticed that you started wearing that heart necklace quite often, can you give us a little insight on it?" The interviewer asks. Shawn thinks of a way to answer this question. "Um well this was y/n's favorite necklace, she wore it every. And she gave it to before she passed away, so I decided I'm going to wear it everyday." He replies.
Every night shawn looks up to the sky.

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