Not loved/scared to be lonely

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June 9 2019
Didn't know what to name this.
This could be so much better, and I realized it after I finished writing, but I was too lazy to fix it. Also peep how good shawn looks he's glowing.

Sorry for any spelling errors.

3rd person POV "He did it again didn't he" He says. Anger dripping off every word. "Why does it matter!?" She says getting frustrated. "He hits you, hurts you! And you still stay with him!" He yells running his hand through his hair. "He loves me!" She replies, not missing a beat. "If he loved you he wouldn't hit you!" He yells clearly frustrated. "Sure he hits me sometimes, but he still loves me and shows it!" She yells back. "Bullshit! Why stay when you know what he's doing is wrong" He questions. "I would rather stay with him, than not be loved" She says, tears brimming the rims of my eyes. "Not loved? I love you! Brian loves you, we are here for you, can't you see that" he says voice cracking at the end. "But it's not the same. You both have girlfriends. You guys wouldn't hug me or cuddle me when I need it" she states. Lip quivering. "Y/n, we can do that, we are here for you. Leave him, You'll find someone else. Someone who actually loves you 100%" he says. "Shawn I'm sorry, but I'd rather have half ass love then not feel any..... again. I'm sorry. I can't"

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