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Thea's POV

"What do you mean you won't do it?!" Blake shouts at me.

"Depends what am I getting out of it?" I say as I watch his eyes turn to anger.

"You'll get respect!" He says as I just narrow my eyes at him.

"I already have it" I say threw gritted teeth.

He looks at me and smiles. "remember who's life is on the line"

God damit Jake if it weren't for you then I wouldn't do this bullshit.

"When am I meeting the bastard?" I ask after a while.

"On April 2nd, your wedding day" he reply's casually.

First, I am getting into an arranged marriage. Second, my twins brother's life is on the line if I don't do it. Worst of all I don't even know the guy!

"You don't need to worry about the wedding arrangements. We have that already taken care of" Blake says digging something out of his pocket.

"Here ware this from this point on until the wedding" he hands me a blue ring box.

I take it from him and open it to find an engagement ring. It was your typical engagement ring but I knew this ring was special in its way. It had a diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds on the bottom. Not too dramatic just simple, just how I like it.

As I turn it I see in the inside of the ring it has a name Del Rey.

I put it on and see it's a perfect fit. I couldn't even lie it looked amazing. I take it off because I don't like wearing rings but I'll buy a chain for it to use as a necklace.

"I'll see you on Saturday" he says leaving my office.

"I'll see you till then" I whisper. Once the door is shut closed I lean back on my chair.

Great just great




"What do you want?" I snap at whoever is in the other line.

"I guess you heard about the news?" Jake says.

"Yes I did" I say as I admire the ring.

"Did you agree?" He nervously ask

"I didn't have much of an option" I say spinning around in my chair a bit.

I hear him chuckle.  "I'll see you on Saturday and thank you"

"At six right?" I ask to reassure myself.

"Yes" he reply's.

"Alright we'll see you till then" I say and hang up.

I take a deep breath out and think about everything. I never wanted to be tied down because the only thing that it'll so is drag me down. Does it count being dragged down by someone when you both don't have feelings for each other?

I shake my head and then think over the wedding. It's basically a Win-win situation

I can finally go through with my plans to open up a new hotel over there.

I will have to move to New York making me fee excited.

With that I get back to work.

Two months till April 2nd

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 12/14/19

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