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Thea's POV

"Iwantchickennuggets" I mutter opening my eyes slowly to see a nurse look at me weird.

A nurse? Chicken nuggets? Room?

"Imgoingtogetchickennuggets" I mutter again ignoring the questions. Just as I was standing I start to feel soar.

"Holy fucking god! That shit hurts why didn't you fucking warn me lady!" I shout and she scurries off.

"I thought you were a nurse!" I shout after her.

Before I got to get my chicken nuggets I got the restroom and do my business and I look at the toilet as I was about to flush it.

And that's when I realized.

I was on my period.

Well at least now we know I'm not pregnant... Actually now that I think of it I never even thought about my period until now.

I drag my lazy self downstairs to try and get my chicken nuggets with my blanket wrapped close to me.

Where are the keys?

I swear I had them a second ago.

"Thea" I hear a dangerously dark voice behind me and I already knew who it was.

"Shh I'm already having the worst day of my life!" I say dramatically searching for the keys.

"Well getting shot is a bad thing honey" the same nurse from before says coming in front of me with a stethoscope and starts checking my heart.

"Shot? I was not shot but I was promised chicken nuggets" I say confusedly looking around my body searching for a bullet wound.

Wasn't it Octavio who got shot? If only that moron didn't move then we would have been on our way to get chicken nuggets last night.

"Your not- oh god" the nurse says before running upstairs.

That's when I turn back to mason and I see him holding chicken nuggets making me tackle him for them.

"hey their mine!" He says trying to hold them closer to him.

"you promised!" I shout finally tackling hind down and that's when we roll around trying to fight over the chicken nuggets until finally he got on top of me pinning me down to the ground.

"I promised you chocolate not my chicken nuggets" Mason says making me turn a little bit red at the fact that he has me pinned down but I also start to Pitt knowing that he wouldn't give up his chicken nuggets.

"Can I just-"


"Why?" I whine and he looks at me as if I just asked a stupid question.

"Cause their mine" he growls out making me smile.

"Whoa there, don't want you turning into a dog right on top of me" I tease and that's when he brakes out into a smile and starts to "bite me" on my neck while I laugh because surprisingly I'm a ticklish person.

"Hey we heard some no- EWWW couldn't you guys wait until you found a room?!" I hear Andy yell making me throw Mason off of me and stand up real quick.

Don't worry I made sure to get the chicken nuggets.

"Oh please, it's my house you guys are just here because you have no home" Mason says a bit annoyed while getting up.

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