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Thea's POV

I just survived being stranded in a random island for 2 days, plant an explosion, getting bitched slapped by a pregnant lady, finding an abandoned child, and being blamed for the bruise on the child's face only to end up back at the hospital waiting for the pregnant lady that slapped me to give birth.

What a crazy day it's been.

I'm sitting down in the ground near the vending machine eating chips with Sierra.

All the guys were here which made me curious as to why.

I think Marcelo said that the baby was a boy but I can't remember.

It's already been a couple of hours and I'm starting to get bored.

"Miss, I'm bored" Sierra says and I nod in agreement.

"Do you have games on your phone?" She ask and I shake my head no.

Suddenly Mason comes by and offers Sierra his phone. She looks at the phone nervously before looking at me as if to ask for permission.

I nod seeing if she'll take it and she does.

What a weird girl.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" Mason ask.

I look at Sierra to see her already distracted on the phone. Standing up she immediately looks up standing up with me.

"I'll be close by, bumblebee" I try to assure her but she looks to be close to tears.

"Do you think we can talk about this when we get back to your place?" I ask looking at Mason who was also looking at Sierra with a longing look.

"It can wait" He says and I sit back down on the floor with Sierra.

Mason sits next to me and we just watch Sierra play for a bit before looking away.

It took me by surprise when he sat down on the floor with us. I didn't expect him to do so because he always seems to have a stick up his ass.

I edge closer to him to put a distance between us and Sierra.

"You didn't tell me you had a kid" I whisper making sure only he could hear.

"It's a long story" Mason says with a cloudy look in his eyes taking over.

Deciding not to ask any more questions I see Sierra smiling at the phone before she starts to show us the high score she just beat.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Mason let out a smile for a second before it disappeared.

I've never seen him show a genuine smile. It looks nice on him.

I found myself staring at him which made him scrunch up his eyebrows before I just look away.

Something in me is telling me that he looks too familiar but I can't tell from where.

Shaking my head I sigh and look over Sierras shoulder at her game.

All of a sudden We hear a loud scream before we hear a baby cry and we all turn to Rivers room.

I look over at Jake who was in a phone call and is already looking at me with an emotionless look.

I look at him with a raised eyebrow as to why he's on the phone at this very hour.

"Are you guys here for River and Marcelo Garcia?" One of the Nurses say writing something down in her clipboard.

"Yes, we are" Andy says to her.

"You guys can come in now" she says moving away from the door for us to come in.

I stand up slowly and I see Andy, Luke, Mac, and Luis go in.

Jake went it I was about to go in when the Nurse stops me.

"Are you Thea?" She ask looking nervously around never meeting my gaze.

"Yeah, I am"

"Mrs. Garcia informed me not to let you in" She says finally looking at me with pity.

For some reason I felt a shot of pain in my chest and slowly felt it over my wounds.

She leaves feeling the tensity in the room grow and I'm left there.

I look at the small window in the door and see all of them looking at River and Marcelo with their new baby.

"Common let's go" Mason says and I felt myself nod.

When we got to the car I didn't even have the energy to question Mason as to why he didn't tell me he had a daughter as he opened my door.

It wasn't even my place to ask. We don't know each other that way.

With that last thought in my head I felt myself drift to sleep as soon as The car started to move.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 2/21/20

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