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Thea's POV

"Next time control your wife, Blake" Jake says glaring at him.

It's been a good 6 minutes since Alyssa was escorted to go see her brother and her newly found nephews.

"She is your mother" Blake says glaring at Jake as well. Just by what Blake said I can tell that it got Jake pissed.

"I suggest that you keep quiet, Blake. She wasn't there for us when we were younger and neither were you" I say spinning around on the chair.

This is quite fun. Should I just replace all my kitchen chairs with spinning chairs?

"On another note, Should we kill him now? Alyssa will probably be trying to get him out" I suggest. Jake nods and we both stand up.

"I put my money that Micheal is losing it right now" Jake says and I smile at that.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Mason, Mac, and Luis talking with Luke and Andy.

What's he doing here?

"Mason is also here for business, Thea" Jake says as if reading my mind.

"Ew, get out of my mind" We both day except that he does a high pitch voice.

"Common we have to take care of Micheal" Jake then says with a smile.

Following him to the room it was cracked open enough for us to slip in. Hiding in the corner we see Alysa sobbing while staring at her brother, Micheal, who looks to be in utter shock chained up next to his two sons, Noah and Micheal.

(Authors note: Micheal (Alyssa's twin) named one of his kids Micheal as in Micheal jr.)

"No, no, no your dead! Thea and Jake killed you! Them sick bastards they are playing tricks with me aren't they?" Micheal yells.

"Ohhh Bubby. I was kidnapped... not dead" Alyssa says wiping away her tears.

"Bubby look!" Mom shouts out. I giggle at the name and she just gives me a warm smile.

In comes Uncle Micheal into the kitchen with a curious look. He looks over at me and Jake and rubs are heads messing up our hair.

"Look! Jake and Thea helped me make them" She says showing off our cupcakes. They start to talk and I get the icing.

"Thea, no" Jake whispers. I blink at him and get a handful of icing and throw it at him. It lands on his face making me laugh.

"Oh you've done it" He says madly taking off the icing. He gets the cupcakes and starts to throw it at me.

"JAKE, THEA" upon hearing dads voice we immediately freeze.

"Did you do... all the-those horrible.... things th-they say.... you did?" Alyssa says trying not to cry.

Micheal looks down at this. "I-I did"

"Oh, Bubby. I can't help you there" Alyssa says bursting out crying.

"I know" he says. Alyssa hugs him tight before leaving the room.

"Elizabeth told you she had something to prove Alyssa was still alive" Noah says in a low voice. "She knew she wasn't going to come out-"

"I KNOW" Micheal yells. "I KNOW"

"Well this was a nice reunion" Jake says coming out of the shadows. Micheal doesn't even bother look up.

"After all these years I thought she was dead" He says making me roll my eyes.

Getting a knife from my boot I start playing around with it.

"But I still don't regret what I did" Micheal says and that's when I lose it and throw the knife directly into Noah's chest.

Jake looks somewhat proud yet amused as we see him bleeding out and shouting in pain.

"Shall we begin?" I ask and Jake nods.

"You know he was my favorite before" Jake says laughing.

"Yeah me too, back to the good old days huh Micheal?" I ask him as he just glares at us.

"You guys killed Elizabeth" Michael states glaring at us.

"You guys did that to her. Not the other way around" I say turning serious.

A few hours later

finally getting out of the room I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Are.... are they dead?" I hear from behind me. Tuning I see Alyssa taking in deep breaths. She seems tired, sad, and confused.

Looking around I find myself alone in this warehouse. There's always people here, where are they now?

"Yes" I say drinking a bottle of water since I can't drink any alcohol yet. "Need anything else?"

Alyssa's eyes start to tear up, running nose, flushed cheeks, and her eyes so broken.

She walks closer to me and slaps me.

At this I start to giggle, what was a giggle turns into a fit of laughter. I then shut it all up and look at her dead in the eyes to see her scared.

Just like she should be.

....Just like she should be.

"Try that again and it won't go so good for you" I say coldly and leave.

On my way to head back to my car out of the corner of my eye i see Mason just talking with Jake this time.

Jake notices me and stops talking making Mason turn around to see me. I was about to say something but my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I ask Picking it up without glancing at the caller ID.

"I had a great night with your husband last night, Thea" I hear immediately recognizing Almonds voice.

"What the hell do you want?" I demand glaring at Mason. My eyes caught the hickies on hi neck. 

If you were going to cheat on me then have some decency to keep it a secret.

"I want you to disappear. Stay away. If you don't then you better watch out" Almond says seriously.

I start laughing causing the few people around me to look at me weirdly.

"I'd play my cards right, Almond. You don't know who you are messing with" I say and with that I end the call.

Typing some stuff into my phone I get the location to where she was. Almond is just two hours away at a hotel.

Looking at the time it's already 8:00pm. Great timing.

I have no patience for petty games like this right now.

Going to my car I immediately drive away.

As I'm driving I get a call and see that it's Jake. I ignore it but as it kept on ringing I turn my phone off.

That's much better.

1 hour and a half

Arriving at the place I quickly go in and see the receptionist busy with people letting me head straight to the open elevators.

Hitting the top floor I start to get even more impatient.

Tapping my foot looking at the number of floors I am passing it goes slower and slower. Finally the elevator opens and I go to the only door on the whole floor.

The door was unlocked and I burst in and immediately see Almond sitting in the living room with a silk robe on, on her phone.

"The kitchen needs to be cl-" Almond stops mid sentence once she finally looks up.

"We need to have a little chat" I say smirking.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 1/27/20

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