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Thea's POV

I woke up with the urge to throw up so here I am throwing up in the damn bathroom.

I feel like shit

I look in the mirror after I finished spilling my guts and feel an instant headache making me groan and get some Advil.

After I take them I brushed my teeth and then took a shower.

Once I was finished I put some black high waisted jeans, a tank top and put a hoodie over it and I quickly put my hair in a ponytail with that I headed downstairs into the kitchen where everyone was.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it's 7:00am so I only got 4 hours of sleep.

Better then nothing

"How was your morning?" Luke ask.

"it was good but I'm never drinking again" I say making them laugh.

"Keep telling yourself that" Andy says passing me a plate while I sit down in one of the stools.

"Do you remember anything of what happened a few hours ago?" Alize ask cautiously and I stare at her for a while.

"Yeah" I say in a lazy tone and I go back to eating.

"Wait I'm still confused, she acted so calm yesterday and when it was the time of the ball why was she acting so different?" Luis ask.

"It depends on her state of mind while she's sober" Luke says and I look up and out of the corner of my eyes I see Jake leaning on Naomi's shoulder while wrapping his hands protectively on her stomach.

"Do you guys know the gender?" I ask while still eating my food.

"I-it's still to early to tell" Naomi says shyly.

"Here hold on" I say standing up and running out of their and quickly upstairs.

I go to my closet and I start to throw everything everywhere looking for a big wrapped blue box that reaches up to my chest but it looks old due to it being years since I bought it.

It also has Jakes name in the box but it looks a bit faded.

I know what your thinking how could you not find it if it's that big? Well let me just tell you I hide stuff that even I can't find.

After a couple of minutes I finally find it and start to push it out due to how heavy it is.

Ah I forgot about the stairs

"Common Thea you could do this" I say to myself.

10 minutes later

I finally got it down with a bit of sweat on my forehead and I start to push it to the kitchen where everyone is talking but stop as they see me push the box.

"Thea? What the hell? Since when do you have this?" I hear someone ask.

"I forgot how heavy it is but I've had it for a couple of years now" I say a bit out of breath but I finally got it up to where Naomi and Jake where.

"And that's exactly how many years?" Jake ask racing an eyebrow at me.

"The day me,Andy and Luke made the bet" I inform going back to where I was previously sitting .

"That was like 10 years ago!" Andy shouts and I just shrug and notice that they aren't opening the box.

"Oh just open the damn box" I say rolling my eyes out of annoyance.

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