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Thea's POV

"Come and clean the area, Jefferson. I'll send you the location" I say ending the call as I speed off to my house. After the chat with Almond I'd say I wouldn't have to worry about her no more.

She was getting annoying.

Sighing at the thought of what a day it's been. Everything starts to hit me of the events that took went down today making me tired and ready for bed.

When I finally get home I notice that the only light on was the living rooms. It's probably one of the guys.

Entering the house I'm greeted by Mason pacing back and forth before stoping once he spots me.

"Do you know what you've caused for killing Amanda?!" Mason shouts at me as he gets closer.

"You mean that play toy you have?" I ask tiredly.

"That "play toy" is the daughter of a gang leader. You've just declared war and all for what? Because you were jealous?!" He shout and which each word his voice rises.

"I am not jealous" I state getting mad myself.

He laughs at this before turning serious.

"Sure your not but you've crossed the line on this one" he says grabbing my by the neck and lifting me off the floor. I grab onto his arm trying to make him let go as he tightens his grip.

"Next time it's going to be worst if you step out of line" He says letting me go. I gasp out as soon as he let's go.

The next day I woke up with bruises on my neck from when Mason was chocking me.

I feel my anger rise at what happened last night. Not wanting to get out of bed today I pull my blanket over me until an idea occurs to me.

Putting on whatever I get back on my car driving off to the only person who I can talk to.

Arriving to her place i get out of the car and go inside her house without even knocking.

Her house was small compared to mine. She never liked big houses after he died.

"Abuelita!" I shout expecting to hear her voice.

"I'm here!" I hear her shout back from somewhere in the kitchen.

Smiling I go to the kitchen to see her drinking her tea with a book in hand.

"What bit you today that made you come visit me now, Thea" Abuelita says not looking up from her book.

I don't answer until she finally looks up and her eyes go to the huge bruise on my neck. At the sight of that she immediately gets up to inspect it.

"What the hell happened?!" She shouts and I smile at her.

"Oh Abuelita, las cosas que te tengo que decir" I say with a semi sad smile.

(Oh grandma, the things I need to tell you)

She sits me down and I tell her everything. She already knew about the arranged marriage but didn't come to the wedding since she did not approve of it.

"Your telling me that your mother is alive?! And that your husband laid a hand on you?!" She shouts. I can't really read her expression in her voice nor facial expression at the shout of both things.

"Alyssa is alive and.... yes" I say looking off into the distance.

When I turn back to face her I can see the complex look on her face. It's like she's fighting on whether to give me a hug or remain like that.

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